Aprox. how many grafts would i need?


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hey guys i hope some people can give me their opinions here. I've been on propecia for a year now and minoxidil for 6 months. i did notice success in about 3 months, but for the last 3 months it seems like i'm shedding lots. If you have any suggestions for shedding as well that would be greatful.

I'm just going to upload a couple pics of my head. 1st pic is the buzzed hair in sept when I started minoxidil but had been on finasteride for 6 months, and then the others are actually taken today. just wondering how many grafts it would take to cover the bald. I don't care about the receded area as much as i do about the top and crown. thanks for the help i really appreciate it!

if u think there is something better out there for me other than a hair transplant i would love to hear it!


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Not that much judging by the the 1st grown out pic. Theres a huge difference between the 2 pics it seems you still have alot of fine hair thatis only noticable when grown out. Hopefully treatments can maintain that. I would say if you did 5000 and grew it back out it would look pretty good, not a perfect non m.p.b head of hair but an acceptable one that no one would really notice anything wrong with. Not everyone even has 7/8000 donor available let alone 9000.


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thanks for the replies! so do u think the minoxidil and finasteride has made a difference?
i sent these pictures into a transplant doctor down in Arizona (i live in Canada) and he told me 1000-1500 for the front and if i ended up wanting to do the crown it would be 1000-2000. i knew that seemed low.

Now when you say 3000-9000 or 5000 in the other case, is that including my receded hairline? I honestly don't really care about the recededness. I just want the area of hair i have to be thicker. my crown at the very back of my head is actually still fairly thick. thicker than the top of my head anyway. maybe just looks that way cause of the cowlick. i duno.

thanks for the reply's i honestly really appreciate it!


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finfighter said:
airic101 said:
thanks for the replies! so do u think the minoxidil and finasteride has made a difference?
i sent these pictures into a transplant doctor down in Arizona (i live in Canada) and he told me 1000-1500 for the front and if i ended up wanting to do the crown it would be 1000-2000. i knew that seemed low.

Now when you say 3000-9000 or 5000 in the other case, is that including my receded hairline? I honestly don't really care about the recededness. I just want the area of hair i have to be thicker. my crown at the very back of my head is actually still fairly thick. thicker than the top of my head anyway. maybe just looks that way cause of the cowlick. i duno.

thanks for the reply's i honestly really appreciate it!

When I said 3,000-9,000 I was giving you an estimated range, 3,000 would provide you with some coverage and a better look, with a mature hairline. 9,000 would virtually give you a full head of hair with a Norwood 1.

No decent dr is going to go for a Norwood 1 hairline ESPECIALLY with his degree of hairloss,


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How old are you ?

You have a lot of hairloss, you may just want to consider shaving it


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airic101 said:
thanks for the replies! so do u think the minoxidil and finasteride has made a difference?
i sent these pictures into a transplant doctor down in Arizona (i live in Canada) and he told me 1000-1500 for the front and if i ended up wanting to do the crown it would be 1000-2000. i knew that seemed low.

Now when you say 3000-9000 or 5000 in the other case, is that including my receded hairline? I honestly don't really care about the recededness. I just want the area of hair i have to be thicker. my crown at the very back of my head is actually still fairly thick. thicker than the top of my head anyway. maybe just looks that way cause of the cowlick. i duno.

thanks for the reply's i honestly really appreciate it!

If you are in Canada i would go to H+W, you have a lot of hairloss so I wouldn't go to anyone other than H=W, Feller (NY) or Ron Shapiro ( Minnesota).

You need to post some better photos including a crown shot form the back, better lighting is needed
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I disagree. The picture with his hair grown out is really not that bad, and he seems like a good candidate for hair transplant. I would think your doctor was on the money. You could get 1500 in the front and 1500 on the crown and vertex in the first pass and very likely look great. I mean light years better.

Its unclear to me why HT55 wouldnt agree.

Yes the shaved picture looks like more advanced loss, but it is the older picture. If that was the only one posted, I would say you are a Norwood 5 with a small patch in the forelock, and that would be a larger job.

But the newer pic suggests that you had some very good coverage with finer hair, and really not such a big bare area to cover with grafts. Just some areas to fill in.

HT55 said:
How old are you ?

You have a lot of hairloss, you may just want to consider shaving it


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If cost is an issue I think you could get 2500 grafts and that would make a cosmetic difference and leave plenty in the bank, although I'd suggest at least 3000 grafts...

And, that's using H+W, Dr R Shipiro... or Dr Rahal is an option as well, although he seems to specialise in high density, which you're not too concerned about, all are in Canada and have top notce reps, beware though, there are a lot of crap and average docs out there.

Personally I would book a consultation with all three if you have the time, if not H+W and Dr Shipiro, both will give you better advice that you can get on a forum, and all these docs plan your hair transplant with you, and with thought to the future.


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Thanks for the help guys! and yeah price is a concern. I'm still in school for another year after this semester so I don't have alot of money to put other places. Maybe I can find a loophole and find a way to have Alberta Heath Care pay for it :p

anyway thanks again for the help guys. maybe there is hope for me afterall. :)


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PatienlyWaiting said:
I disagree. The picture with his hair grown out is really not that bad, and he seems like a good candidate for hair transplant. I would think your doctor was on the money. You could get 1500 in the front and 1500 on the crown and vertex in the first pass and very likely look great. I mean light years better.

Its unclear to me why HT55 wouldnt agree.

Yes the shaved picture looks like more advanced loss, but it is the older picture. If that was the only one posted, I would say you are a Norwood 5 with a small patch in the forelock, and that would be a larger job.

But the newer pic suggests that you had some very good coverage with finer hair, and really not such a big bare area to cover with grafts. Just some areas to fill in.

HT55 said:
How old are you ?

You have a lot of hairloss, you may just want to consider shaving it

Because the 2nd photo is on the wrong angle and in low lighting. A top down shot in good lighting would tell the true story of his hairloss

How do you recommend a hair transplant to someone and you don't even know their age ?

How about if he's 23 with that much hair loss ? Chasing it could be a huge mistake


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well i'll be 26 in a couple months. And the thinning hasn't increased the size of the horse-shoe around my head. its been the same way since i first noticed shedding when i was 19. but the area that has shed continues to get thinner.... if that makes sense.


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airic101 said:
well i'll be 26 in a couple months. And the thinning hasn't increased the size of the horse-shoe around my head. its been the same way since i first noticed shedding when i was 19. but the area that has shed continues to get thinner.... if that makes sense.

That's alot of hair loss for age 25 especially if it's still getting thinner.

My advice would be to wait a few years


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well maybe i'm delusional but i don't think my hair looks as thin as it does i that picture with it grown out a bit. maybe i'll take some new ones. is it best to stand right under a light? flash on or off?


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airic101 said:
well maybe i'm delusional but i don't think my hair looks as thin as it does i that picture with it grown out a bit. maybe i'll take some new ones. is it best to stand right under a light? flash on or off?

You really need someone else to take the pic , good lighting is a must.

Here are my pics, see if you can get something similiar.

Click the photo once to see it larger with a log of my hair loss history, click the photo again to see it full size
