are any new drugs? treatments? genetic cures coming soon????


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I am new to this forum but been on propecia for a few years in the hope that a new drug, or genetic cure would come along as I know all the drug companies are spending lots in this area. Baldness s big money.

I have maintained my hair so far at 41.

Has anyone heard of anything in the pipeline. New wonders drugs ?? new research for a cure in my lifetime. a way to get off propecia eventually. ???????????????????????

thanks all



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I honestly think the next biggest thing will be fluridil. I've been researching it the last couple of weeks and seems very promising. If you want just a little background on fluridil you can check out


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if you're thinking of genetic cures.. give is at least 10 years. The last time they tampered with human DNA in a live human, it ended in cancer.


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michael1000, I dont think there will ever be a cure anytime soon. But I believe there will be better does than propecia and it will work longer. People already said that propecia was the biggest leap of hair loss. I dont know what norwood your at but what I'm thinking your will have more hair at your age than most of will be when we reach that age. I'm only 21 but still have a full hair between a 1 to 2. I do wish I'm wrong about there will not be a cure because I really hope there will be in my time.


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A genetic cure will come when you are too old to give a damn about your hair loss, most likely you and everyone else on these forums will be dead or be living in Florida, so don't hold your breath. Really the only thing that gives a lot of us hope for a decent amount of hair without a toupee is cloning, which could take another 2-10 years. Even once it comes out most of us will not be able to afford it, and also it will probably take another year or so to become routine enough that a lot of doctors will be preforming the surgery.

I, much like everyone else, wish that it would just pop and give you a full head of hair back, but it is very unlikely. It will most likely be another 4-5 years before some people are having the surgery done and another 7-8 before some of us are having the surgery done. Keep in mind these numbers are not set in stone, they are just my opinions pieced together from all the info I have read on the topic, which is a decent amount


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thanks.........sounds like cloning is the answer....pills in the meantime and lotions.

is cloning a matter of taking a sample and replanting it or is it a bit more tricky. ie real surgery.

as too being too old to will still want hair at 80 if i make it to then, old men with hair still look better than a bald old guy, you will still score more chicks in the nursing home than the bald guy next to you. the lady you score may be bald but still its a score and vanity does not totally go even when your old.

ask a young girl in a bar, does she like the twin brother who is bald or the one with hair,,,,,,,,,,,,the hair wins. yes the bald one may be nicer but the hair is the initial attraction. men with hair get the girls.. i know people will say look at bruce willis and all the other stars, but dont forget they are rich and good looking in the first place.

thanks michael


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I could understand wanting to have your hair your whole life... I don't think anyone wants to lose their hair or can totally shrug it off. Even the most accepting bald man reads about a new treatment even if he's given up on all that we have now. You're certainly right about the attraction thing too. You have to admit though that it sucks far far less to be losing your hair past 30 than before. It's about statistics. Being a balding 21 year old is rarer and much more noticible than a balding 41 year old. They say people who don't have hairloss don't notice anything beyond a NW3... that may be true a lot of times, but not when the guy is in his 20s or younger like a lot of posters here. It's about being abnormal, not just less attractive because of hair loss. You stick out a lot more as a younger guy so more attention is focused on you.

Not that anyone gives a sh*t about anyone elses scalp but their own, but just to explain the sentiment you'll get from a lot of people on here. If we're anything but totally bald in 20 years I think we'd all be pretty satisfied. Quite a different mindset.


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There has been a lot of buzz about rubbing semen on the scalp, but it is still in the "pipeline." Also, Plucking body hair's has gotten a lot of attention lately. Hey, who needs better treatments when we have proven treatments like oral saw palmetto, avacor, revivogen and procerin?


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Like someone said it's not that a lot of mind going bald it's just that we mind going bald so young. Quite a few of us are in our late teens or early twenties, early twenties here, and it just sucks to be different from a huge majority of people our ages. It's been about 2 years or so for me and thank God you slowly start caring about losing your hair less and less as time goes on, but I doubt it will ever go away in my case.

Cloning is pretty simple to describe. All doctors need to do is remove some hairs from either the sides or back of your head, which is where your follicles are resistent to DHT, and then send them off to a lab. At the lab over the next few weeks copies of the donor hairs are created and eventually sent back to the doctors office where they are placed on any bald area of your scalp. I was vague about the cloning process because each company or doctor researching the process seems to have a different idea about what needs to be done, so only time will tell.

Of course there is a lot still unknown and I left out things, but it gives you an idea of what would happen.

too bald too furious

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I only wonder why god did this to me. I lost my self girl dumped me..i have been put down because of my hair loss so many times. :evil:
I just wish that the cure is out soon. I wanna have my hair back and take revenge from every f*****g bastard who has put me down becoz of my hair loss. :-x


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hahaha, sorry, but that's not happening. Keep dreaming about taking revenge on those without male pattern baldness :p


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I really don't see how you can make a list including avacore, procerin, saw palmetto, and revivogen.
From your posts, I gather you didn't like revivogen because it's "expensive" and "hard to use." While, that's certainly understandable, you're making a huge assumption in saying it's a scam and doesn't work (like avacore).
I, for one, am having very good results from this product. Don't make others think that this product is a scam when there is science behind it and it does work for some of us.


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Revivogen a scam???? I'll just start saying spironolactone's a scam and bullshit. I've never seen any pictures of spironolactone being effective as a single agent. Just because something looks good on paper does not mean it's gonna work.


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Hey Nexus, Don't let yourself get so wound up about peoples comments, people call you more if they realise it winds you up and even when i had only remotely started balding i got teased. And remember most of these people calling you will statistically go bald themselves very soon, so there's poetic justice for you which is better then revenge.

There is plenty of reason to be optimistic about baldness right now. There is breakthroughs coming faster than ever before, not to mention Avodart which still has the potential to be a great drug when the research is fully concluded (if ever)

p.s This message is far to optimistic, just to put you back in your dark moods, there is no f*****g money in the cure, its in the medicine... they could of found a cure back in 1983 for all we know.

ahhh thats better!



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Odelay said:
A genetic cure will come when you are too old to give a damn about your hair loss, most likely you and everyone else on these forums will be dead or be living in Florida, so don't hold your breath.

That's too negative an outlook for me. I plan on being pumped full of stem cells/nanobots to massively extend my lifespan, either that or bathe in the blood of Transylvanian virgins - or has that already been tried?