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At first, please excuse my bad english. I'm new in this forum and before i've found, i spent most of my time in the german hair loss forum.
I had the impression that most people complain about the products they use only a few sey that they're pleased with the results. After having read these postings, I decided not to do anything against hairloss since i was told that nothing really works.
The situation in this forum seems to be quite different: there are many with obviously good results encouraging others.
But in general I'm sure that if someony has acceptable results he would not spent his time with discussions about hairloss treatments. In that way the typical forum user here has worse results than an average hairloss fighter. I'm interested in whether you can agree in this point or not.

Thank you


Experienced Member
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Welcome to the forums, Bismarck. There is definitly some truth in what you say. By and large, when the treatments work, people dont bother to stick around in these forums, instead they go off and live their life. Therefore you will see a disproportionate amount of people here saying that the treatments are not working for them.

But the treatments do work! I know because they are working for me. So why am I still here? Actually I left the forums for a long time as I was off doing just that; living my life without being so concerned with my hair. However I did recently have a bad shed due to scalp irritation, a setback, and so came back here a bit to talk about that (and try to figure out how to get my hair back on track). I then got sucked in, because really these are (for the most part) a good bunch of guys and I enjoy helping people.

Many of us here who are having success are just here to spread the gospel.. to let guys like you know that there is hope. Maybe we have too much time on our hands. :D

Since you're still reasearching you must still be thinking of treatments. Tthe main website here has a bunch of good info on the clinical data,. just click here: propecia .. and get on that sh*t, man! Save your hair!

btw your english is quite good.


Senior Member
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your english is good's probably better than most of the other people who post here. for me, proscar cut in fourths seems to be working well. minoxidil seemed to just slow down the process. if anyone asked me for a routine, i would tell them to start on proscar and add minoxidil later on