Are there any benefits of losing hair?


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Hair or horses depends on what you want to see.


My Regimen
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View attachment 167459
Hair or horses depends on what you want to see.

There are benefits of being an NW7 that are often overlooked. You don't fear the wind like the diffuse thinning guys who refuse to ever roll down the car windows because they have spent 15 minutes arranging it just right with mouse, hair spray and that black powdery crap that makes a mess all over your clothes when it rains or the wind blows. Being NW7 is easier and neater and there are guys who can make that work, like a younger Ed Harris Jr., although nowadays, he's eh. A lot of black guys actually look good if not better bald than half-bald and that was what Michael Jordan had when he started shaving it all and it became a trend but blacks have the lack of contrast in coloring that makes that work for them and whites usually don't plus somehow we get bald and we get dandruff so you have messes flying about all over.

I wonder what it was like in 1776 or whatever for all of those really bald guys and the ones with great hair were pissed to cover it with a white wig but at least wigs were socially acceptable then. Toupees should be, but often they are not and guys are way worse about spotting toupees or bad toupees than women are. We are obsessed and hair is linked with the penis in terms of early virility but then when the hair is gone, you don't feel so much like telling the chicks about your flopping 9 big ones when they are doing their makeup in the reflection from your greasy, sebum-ladened forehead....