Are These Side Effects of dutasteride??!! *Worried*


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OK so im freaking out

31, been on avodart for little over a year

have had some abdominal pain just below my naval off and on for a while - its infrequent and more of a sharp twinge than a long lasting ache, so it comes and goes

Then about two weeks ago i developed a sore throat. I chalked that up to the weather/ a cold/ or allergies

Then a week ago i wet the bed. I did it again last night. Im 31. I havent done that since i was 8 - not even on drunk college party nights like a few of my lush friends used to... i have never had trouble with incontenence or any uriniary issues ... so i am very worried

The other day i barely made it to the restroom - the urge to pee hit me suddenly and i had to move fast to get to the toluet before i went,.

WTF is going on?

I have had good results with some regrowth in terms of my scalp, but am i f-ing up my body?

What is the drug doing to my prostate? Why do i have a sore throat that wont go away? My mother was in town checking out my new house the other day and she took a look at it and said it was a very unusual looking throat - white and red. Very splotchy and odd. I have looked up avodar side effcts and throat irritation is a rare effect ...

any help!?!?!?!


edit : my throat look similar to this -


i have had some white "residue" on my lips lately that looks like peeling skin ... and now that my throat is sore and whitish in places im guessing its just more of that (whatever it is)