Are You Like Me??


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i have a question for any of you that either might know, or might be suffering from the same thing.

untill i was 27, i had lots of thick hair. the kind you could put grease in and still looked pretty thick. my hairline was in the negatives has far as norwood, because i had mostly kept my hairline from early teen days. my hair was average thickness as far as diameter, but i always had good volume and body.

now, i am 28 and have been noticing thinning hair for over a year. my hairline has receeded quite a bit from where it was across my forehead, and looks more than it is becaue the shape of my head, but i would still consider myself a norwood 1 by looking at the charts. my temples are very sparse and thin even further back than where there is no hair growing. the crown and vertex of my head still has hair on it, but it is see more see through, and when i get out of the shower, i can see scalp all over except the back and sides which lay down, mostly because i comb my hair up when on top when i get out of the shower.

although im sure i have less, when i look at my scalp, it looks as if i have alot of hair on my head as far as the quantity, but it looks as if every single hair on my head has become very very fine, and much straighter. it has become lighter because the hair has become finer. when i dont put tons of hairspray in it, it lays flat on my skull and feels very soft. light wind can shift my hair relatively easily, and i can shake my head and feel it all shift from side to side. i have been on propecia for over 6 months, with 0 results, and my hair seems to have continued to progress at the same speed it has always been. my hair is not too noticable to people that i dont bring it up to, but it is getting to the point where minor changes are looking more and more major because of how fine it has gotten. i have been tested for everything excpet dht, and everything has come back clean excpet for a few things that COULD cause hair loss, but because of the slowness and the fact that my hair is not falling out like medical conditions describe, i feel as if it is more likely to be genetic.

my questions are these: when every hair on your head becomes finer but hasnt fallen out, does that constitute a good chance that they will continue to become finer all over to the point of baldness, or does it mean im more likely to just have very fine hair for the rest of my life?? i dont count hairs, but i do notice the diameter of the hairs i find, and all of the hairs i find are very fine and they get finer the closer to the root that they go. does hair get finer in mid growth?? and if this is the case, can i expect that the hair will eventually become that fine as it grows??


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Scuffernoose said:
my questions are these: when every hair on your head becomes finer but hasnt fallen out, does that constitute a good chance that they will continue to become finer all over to the point of baldness, or does it mean im more likely to just have very fine hair for the rest of my life?? i dont count hairs, but i do notice the diameter of the hairs i find, and all of the hairs i find are very fine and they get finer the closer to the root that they go. does hair get finer in mid growth?? and if this is the case, can i expect that the hair will eventually become that fine as it grows??

unfortunately these questions are nearly impossible to answer with a definite 'yes' or 'no'. The best you could do is look to the hair history of the males on both sides of your family as far back as you can--and even then there is no real way to tell exactly what's going to come in your future. Hair density, quality and color can all change with age and differs from person to person.

Also, if you think you are starting to lose it you probobly are. But that means you've also caught it early. In the beginning it can be hard to tell, but it sounds like you've noticed some definite changes. Maybe it will get worse or maybe it won't. I'd also stick out propecia for the full year before making any decisions--and in terms of propecia if after a year your situation hasn't gotten better or worse from when you started I would consider that success. If you desire more than just maintaining your current level you might consider rogain (minoxidil).


My hair got thinner and shorter as I got balder and balder.

By the time I was 25, it was like I had old man hair.


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thanks for responding. i figured that it is hard to tell where your hair is going to end up, but one of my big concerns is that my hair is very fine now, and the hairs i find that come out of my head seem to get finer as they get closer to the root. i read that hair has to cycle before it grows back thicker, but i wonder if it can get finer in mid growth. hopefully it is nothing, but my hair has continued to get so fine and straight that it is limp as a wet noodle. it takes alot of hair spray to get my hair to feel like it has any body in it. i figure i will stay on propecia for the year, but im afraid of the minoxidil because of the rumored shedding, and the fact that it makes your hair oily and it makes it too hard to keep a 2x a day regimine.

in my family, i had decently bald grandfather who started losing his hair mid 30s on my dads side. however, my dad has had a full head of hair untill recently (hes 60), and he still has good hair for a 60 year old. his brother has a very good head of hair, and he is 65. on my moms side, my grandfather had a natural widows peak with a distinguished hairline (much unlike mine was or is), that eventually recieded back at left him with a hairline somewhat like christopher walken. dont know if either had increadible fine hair with the hair that remained, but i cant figure out which side it may be coming from. i dont have the exaggerated widows peak like my moms dad, or the baldness of my dads father, but my father and his brother have/have had a good head of hair for most of their lives. it sucks because i am no where near where i need to be for a hair transplant as far as baldness, but my hair is so limp and fine, i dont know what is worse, having some bald spots that can be transplanted, or having a sparse receiding hairline with hair that is unmanageable. wouldnt look good with a caesar cut, or bald, so im counting on something that isnt going to happen, and for most users, propecia seems to be more of a money making scheme than a hairloss fighter.