Are you *REALLY* seeing results?


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I wonder how many people here are being psychologically affected by their treatments.

For example:
JoeBaldy said:
I've been using minoxidil for 1 month, and I'm seeing all these little hairs growing in.
Are you SURE that those hairs weren't there before? How do you know that these aren't thicker hairs that are getting thinner and thinner?
JoeBaldy said:
I've been using minoxidil for 1 month, and I'm seeing all these hairs in my drain. I'm shedding like crazy!
Are you SURE that you're shedding, or since you started treatment, you just started paying attention to these things?
JoeBaldy said:
I've been using finasteride for 1 month, and now I'm horny as hell!
JoeBaldy said:
I've been using finasteride for 1 month, and I got drunk one night and couldn't get it up!
Are you SURE that you're not just horny because you're thinking about whether you're horny or not? Are you sure you weren't just too drunk to get it up.
JoeBaldy said:
I've been using minoxidil for 1 month, and my scalp is itchy as hell!
Ok, that one's real :D


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I agree with you. Being on a regime for one month is not enough to determine if a treatment is working or not. Hair takes to to grow and if people are seeing hair at the one month mark it was already growing out. Remember that the bulb grows inside the scalp also, thus taking its time to sprout through. I think that a good 3 to 6 months should really be the determining factor. Sometimes it even takes a year. But that is just my opinion.



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Axon said:
As ye seek so shall ye find.
Does that mean that if you're looking for results, you'll find them, since results are there to be found,


does that mean that if you're looking for results, you'll find them because you WANT to find them?


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Dude, 1 month on treatments is not enough time to see anything but massive shedding. I have been on my treatments for 9 months or so and have experienced peaks and valleys like you wouldnt believe. I kept the faith though, and am turning the corner right now. My hair is light years better then last summer. I am extremely happy that I have turned to the big 3. Consistency with the applications is the key to any regimen and has made me a happy man. I no longer use toppik, although I did during my 3 month shed after a period when my hair was looking outstanding and turned to sh*t, even though I thought I would be a toppik user for life.


TortoiseAndHair said:
I wonder how many people here are being psychologically affected by their treatments.

I think i might have been one of those people (lol).A month into taking finasteride i thought i was healed so i guess i can say i was psychologically affected by it.3 1/2 months in i have noticed the little vellus hairs along the hairline along with some new ones growing in and two hairs turning terminal on the left temple.It will probaly be years before i even see any dramatic change to be sure(if that ever happens).

Pirate Commander F.B.

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I think if you're new to hairloss treatments, it's very easy to see little hairs that you think weren't there before, because you tend to study your scalp more for possible signs of regrowth. Most everyone has those very small hairs that are only visible in strong lighting (or when you dye them and take mega close up pictures *ahem*).


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Speaking of results, I thought I had been seeing them, but my hair is even shittier than it was when I started Propecia. I think I'm undergoing some sort of increased shed, but it's not a HUGE shed. I just hope this sh*t returns to normal, cuz frankly, it looks like terrible trash right now.


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I guess what I'm trying to say is, I am also tempted to check out my hairline in the mirror for new little hairs, tempted to check out my pillow for fallen hairs, etc, but at the end of the day, it's just too early to tell for me (1 month on the big 4).

I guarantee you, if all of the national finasteride supply was instantaneously replaced by sugar pills, we'd still have people on here remarking on how great it's working, how their libido is shot, etc.


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TortoiseAndHair said:
I guarantee you, if all of the national finasteride supply was instantaneously replaced by sugar pills, we'd still have people on here remarking on how great it's working, how their libido is shot, etc.

I have to agree with that. But you have to have faith in the percentages that it will work in the long run.


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ShedMaster said:
TortoiseAndHair said:
I guarantee you, if all of the national finasteride supply was instantaneously replaced by sugar pills, we'd still have people on here remarking on how great it's working, how their libido is shot, etc.

I have to agree with that. But you have to have faith in the percentages that it will work in the long run.

I do have faith that it will work in the long run. What I'm saying is that there are a lot of people (including placebo-poppers in the clinical trials) who saw results/side-effects where there were none to be seen.

I'm personally going to give my regimen a year, and see if it does anything. I will have pictures so that I'm not biased, and I can see the results objectively (if there are any results to be had).

Anyway, at month 1, I'm happy to report that I'm having no results, no shedding, no side effects. Just a flake-when-I-scratch scalp. I think we all have a tendency to overanalyze our results (good or bad) and I think it's important to remain calm and just let "nature" take it's course.


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Once I added minoxidil after being on finasteride for 8 months I noticed new hair after about a month, and now at 2 months it is definetly not my imagination. I used to question the legitimacy of people who would report new hairs after one or two months as well, but some of us may respond better.

My close-to-norwood 2 hairline was slick bald at the temples, and now I have fine hair that I can actually pull on if I pinch at it. It's nothing spectacular, but after only 2 months i'm taking it as a very good sign.

Kevin fretwell

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I've lost one inch of the tip of my V hairline several years ago and has been totally slick for at least two years .Well, now I can say without any doubt that the fuzz all in that area has not been there for many seasons and I'm even seeing the vellus hair that sprung up close to the hair line start to become thincker and pigmented . This isn't my imagination I'm sure .Although I'm sure a few people posting will experience a touch of it . Speaking of this topic I'll go ahead and take a picture of my top .


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TortoiseAndHair said:
Axon said:
As ye seek so shall ye find.
Does that mean that if you're looking for results, you'll find them, since results are there to be found,


does that mean that if you're looking for results, you'll find them because you WANT to find them?

It means if you look for side effects, you'll find them.