Are you the only one?

Bald Dave

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Are you the only person in your family that suffers from male pattern baldness? I am and it sucks big time! Everyone including my older cousins, uncles, brothers and even my dad have little or no hairloss. I am starting to become a NW5 and everyone looks down on me for being a freak! Is anyone here in the same boat and what do you say to your friends and family when they bring up your hairloss?


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Bald Dave said:
Are you the only person in your family that suffers from male pattern baldness? I am and it sucks big time! Everyone including my older cousins, uncles, brothers and even my dad have little or no hairloss. I am starting to become a NW5 and everyone looks down on me for being a freak! Is anyone here in the same boat and what do you say to your friends and family when they bring up your hairloss?

My brother is gorgeous AND has amazing hair. If it weren't for Proscar, I'd be known as 'the bald one' :( God bless that little blue pill.


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My cousin and I are the only ones. It's especially difficult because everyone else doesn't just have hair, they have great hair, the kind that you can scarcely even see the scalp when it's parted. I think that my hair is some queer product of recessive genes hijacking along for several generations.

My cousin, though, I think has it the worst. He's a decorated serviceman and firefighter who used to pull 10's without even trying when he had hair. Without hair, he ended up marrying a '5'. It really crushed his self-confidence I'm sure given that he always wears a hat.


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epictetus said:
My cousin and I are the only ones. It's especially difficult because everyone else doesn't just have hair, they have great hair, the kind that you can scarcely even see the scalp when it's parted. I think that my hair is some queer product of recessive genes hijacking along for several generations.

My cousin, though, I think has it the worst. He's a decorated serviceman and firefighter who used to pull 10's without even trying when he had hair. Without hair, he ended up marrying a '5'. It really crushed his self-confidence I'm sure given that he always wears a hat.
Yeah that definately sucks. I used to pull pretty hot *** aswell when I still had thick hair. I know it's not only looks that attracts girls, but the carefree mind I had when I had great hair was the biggest advantage I think.... My dad had male pattern baldness aswell but it started when he was 40.. It just really pisses me off, that it hit me so early. I think If it would have started slowly at 40 it would have been completely ok with it....I can Imagine if u are really the only one in your Family with it, it might bring u really down....