Arjen Robben


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Last night was the CL final, and he became the topic of discussion:

Girl: Oh Robben is that footballer that is 25 but looks like he is in late thirties. BUT I love him.

Got me thinking, if the guy was a regular guy in a bar, he would be shunned for looking much older for his age.

UCMan has valid points.


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OMFG :shock: THATS MY HAIR in that 2nd pic!! only mine is brown and im not tanned .
auugh i hate losing my hair dude :(

uncomfortable man

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There are alot of stupid, judgemental and unsympathetic people out there. Hairloss seems to be a trigger for others stupidity.


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Well she did say she loved him...Looking old isn't quite as much of a turn off to women as it is to us


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Robben is very rich, very athletic and very famous all over Europe, he is the embodiment of everything we're told we have to do to compensate for hairloss... He needs to shave down or get some work done, looks terrible right now.

uncomfortable man

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FSHGLD said:
Looking old isn't quite as much of a turn off to women as it is to us
What a Jackass the hell would you know? Are you a woman?


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Wesley Sneijder and Arjen Robben - you may be great footballers but I dont know why you guys dont shave it down.


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uncomfortable man said:
FSHGLD said:
Looking old isn't quite as much of a turn off to women as it is to us
What a Jackass the hell would you know? Are you a woman?

Eh, because there's plenty of middle-aged male sex symbols (and before you say it, I know nearly all of them have hair) who youngish girls fawn over. Guys in their early 20s don't fawn over women in their late 30s/40s to anywhere near the same extent. Name a female celebrity who's showing as many signs of ageing as George Clooney that guys look at in an equivalent way. Also dating patterns make it pretty obvious.
Why would I have to be a woman to know that? Do you have to take the big 3 to know that it works for a lot of people? Do you have to have lived in Sierra Leone to know that you're more likely to have a good standard of living in the U.S.? I wouldn't bet a lot of money on what I said, but I still think it's generally true, and would you call a woman a jackass for saying men generally like skinny girls more than fat girls, or that guys are on average less likely to be interested in a steady relationship, and ask her rhetorically how could she possibly know? And what kind of dickhead insults a stranger for making a completely benign comment??? :jackit:

uncomfortable man

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Because what you said is no different than saying "women don't care about men's appearances." Which is totally BS. Most do and the one's who say they don't are just trying to be polite. Haven't you learned that what women say and what women really mean are almost always two different things? Trust me, they care.


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Saying "women don't care about men's appearances" and saying "Looking old isn't quite as much of a turn off to women as it is to us" are nowhere near the same. In fact, what I said clearly implies awareness that women do care about men's appearances. Notice how I used the words 'isn't', 'quite', 'as', and 'much' in the sentence. Somehow you've totally missed the nuance in what i said, and I can scarcely believe that you interpreted what I said in the way that you did. Do you honestly believe there's a single guy on this forum who believes that women don't care about the way we look? Surely it's the primary reason most of us are on this site, it's certainly mine.


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There is validity to what FSHGLD is saying...think of it from an evolutionary perspective....the object of the game is to pass on your genes correct? Women have a finite amount of time until they are unable to reproduce...hence the term biological clock. Youth and beauty are associated with good fertility....Men will value this trait much more in women because it means she is more likely/able to produce children.

You can see this idea manifested in real life settings....I know many more cases where an older man is dating younger women than the opposite scenario, and I'm sure many others do as well...The truth is, a lot of women like older men as stated above. Social maturity = more likely to be a good provider for her children. That is in no way to suggest however that they don't care how a man looks...but many of them find older/more rugged looking men to be attractive. And like FSHGLD says...the opposite is true a lot less of the time. Obviously there are exceptions in both cases but I think its pretty much a given that on the care about women looking young far more than women care about men looking young. For men, looking young isn't necessarily a desired trait to women but don't confuse that for meaning they don't care about attractiveness, because they do...although it definitely is not the PRIMARY factor they look for whereas with men it is. This also goes back to the evolution theory....youth and beauty means a woman is more likely to rear good children for a man, but a woman is going to want a man who is strong enough (both physically and mentally) to raise her children well and ensure their safety. That is why women are predominantly attracted to status and wealth in a man...those things denote that he is a leader and able to provide resources for the children.

and U-man...funny how hypocritical you say "what women say and what they mean/do is completely different"...and you're absolutely correct. SOOOOO...even when a woman says "I don't like/won't date a bald guy" that is what she is SAYING. Its still entirely possible for her to throw those fake, superficial standards out of the window if the man comes across as a MAN and shows that he doesn't f*****g care what she thinks. I truly do believe in the theory of "sh*t tests"..that women call out men on a variety of things that can make them insecure...and how they RESPOND will determine how she feels, not the actual point of criticism itself (whether it be short, fat, bald, money, job etc). I'm not arguing that there arent some cases where a woman will just absolutely have to have a guy with a full head of hair because for whatever reason she values that highly...but there are many instances where even if one says she doesn't particularly like bald guys and hasn't considered dating one that she wouldn't date one if the guy fulfilled the other, more important criteria.


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uncomfortable man said:
FSHGLD said:
Looking old isn't quite as much of a turn off to women as it is to us
What a Jackass the hell would you know? Are you a woman?

No reason to talk to him that way. It's a fact that women aren't as focused on looks as guys are, and youth is just part of looks.

uncomfortable man

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Yeah, I think I misread what you said FSHGLD, sorry and thanks for clearing that up. Yes, I think it holds more true that in terms of age (not attractiveness) young women are more willing to date an older man than a young man is willing to date an older woman. Maybe it has something to do with the idea that men age better than women but it does not (as you stated) mean that they don't value physical attractiveness. I think part of the reason that women find guys like Clooney or Pierce Brosnan hot is because they are above average in the sense that they aged well and look better than most men their age. Again, sorry for the kneeJERK was because I thought you were saying women don't care about appearances when we all know that the majority do. Q makes some good points too. There are never any absolutes, and there are always exceptions. :)


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guys its even more complicated than you think!

The thing to remember is that human beings are just animals and like it or not we look at everything from a evolutionary viewpoint.

There are many subconcious things going on that we dont even realise. For instance a woman will always be attracted more to a man who has very different genetics to her own. Nature has shown that the best genetic mix to produce healthy offspring comes from a wider diversity in the DNA this is what happens when pheromones come into play.

qball01 said:
think of it from an evolutionary perspective....the object of the game is to pass on your genes correct? Women have a finite amount of time until they are unable to reproduce...hence the term biological clock. Youth and beauty are associated with good fertility....Men will value this trait much more in women because it means she is more likely/able to produce children.

This also goes back to the evolution theory....youth and beauty means a woman is more likely to rear good children for a man, but a woman is going to want a man who is strong enough (both physically and mentally) to raise her children well and ensure their safety. That is why women are predominantly attracted to status and wealth in a man...those things denote that he is a leader and able to provide resources for the children.

This is all true but the real thing is women want both type of men at different times!
When they are ready to concieve they gravitate towards men with the highest testosterone levels, this is displayed in guys who are tall with strong Jawlines large hands and deep voices.
The reason for this is that evolution favours these types of genes as being the stronger more dominant.
Unfortunatley for them once the act of reproduction is complete these types dont make the best partners for upbring the children.
So its then that they become more attracted to guys with less masculine attributes who are more likely to stick around and be nurturers.
But you have to remember all of this happens subconciously in the female mind.

Here is a brief explanation of what I mean: ... mme2.shtml


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BrightonBaldy said:
Robben is very rich, very athletic and very famous all over Europe, he is the embodiment of everything we're told we have to do to compensate for hairloss... He needs to shave down or get some work done, looks terrible right now.

I just dont understand this sentiment. He really doesnt look terrible. Your just putting a very bias slant on to it.

Hes a perfect example of someone who has a lot more going for him then his hair. And I think those who dont care about shaving it completely down do a lot of good for bald people in general. 40 years ago Robben would probably be ridiculued for being bald. Now its seen as pretty normal.

I think Robben looks pretty good bald and I wouldnt mind looking like him. In my opinion its pretty simple; its quite logical and correct in an evolutionary way to say that attraction is related to picking ot the healthiest mates to have stronger offspring. Yes, hair is part of that. It correlates with youthfullness. But that is just one factor. If you work on health, have a good healthy glow and are in good shape, take care of yourself, then you elevate your attractiveness.

Scientists are already finding that eating a healthy diet full of fresh vegatbles produces a healthy glow which is more favorable to a tan.

Bald footballers give me a lot of hope because they are really good examples to show the massive difference it makes to stay fit and in shape comparedto a lot of the bald people who let themselves go. Their mentality and poorself esteem is shown in the way they treat themselves and go about their life.


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While on the topic of football players, this guy is pretty good: Goran Pandev, he plays for internazionale.
In his younger years:

These days:


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I think Robben should stick two fingers up to us and all society by going for a massive comb over next season.


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How it was done 40 yrs ago.


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superfrankie said:
Wesley Sneijder and Arjen Robben - you may be great footballers but I dont know why you guys dont shave it down.

What are you talking about? Sneijder looks quite good the way he is, and he actually looks better buzzed than he did with hair.




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uncomfortable man said:
Because what you said is no different than saying "women don't care about men's appearances." Which is totally BS. Most do and the one's who say they don't are just trying to be polite. Haven't you learned that what women say and what women really mean are almost always two different things? Trust me, they care.

Sadly, this is the truth.