Artas Hair Transplant Instead Of finasteride/propecia?


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I'm 27 and currently between Norwood 2-3. Noticing some more receding around the temples.

I had a reputable dermatologist recommend the Artas transplant instead of propecia. His reason was the procedure is so easy and doesn't come with any of the side effects of taking propecia. for the rest of my life. I really do want to avoid the shedding and other bad side effects of propecia.

Any thoughts on going straight to an Artas hair transplant before doing any other treatment?


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Do a hair transplant with an actual skilled surgeon, if im not mistaken artas is some robotic bullshit transplant machine that's overpriced and won't be as good as results done by hand


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so your derm wants you to get a hair transplant and leave the rest of your crown to potentially bald out in future? Sounds like a bad idea to me. Shedding isn't a certainty, I never went through any kind of sheds and I have been on finasteride for 2 years now.


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so your derm wants you to get a hair transplant and leave the rest of your crown to potentially bald out in future? Sounds like a bad idea to me. Shedding isn't a certainty, I never went through any kind of sheds and I have been on finasteride for 2 years now.
Would you say it workfed for you and you were able to maintain/regrow hair? Most of what I see in this thread is 'finasteride made me bald from shedding, and it still hasn't worked 1 year later!'


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A member here did the procedure with William Yates and he found the punch size too big, you can search the forum and you'll find it.