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This one :D

Maybe I've been toughened up by the fact that my old man was a baldie from age 26 and I have always accepted the fact that one day I would probably be a shiner like him but still, I can't stop myself from wincing at some of the wankerishness behind this posting!

Is there anything more pitiful than an ageing metrosexual weeping about his ageing noggin? God HOW BORING!!! I

Yes going bald sucks but there really isnt anything much you can do about it. There is Rogaine et al but that aside from costing you a lot of money and PERHAPS postponing the chrome dome, these drugs are never going to stop the inevitable.

My friend had a severe receeding hairline and lost most of his hair at the ripe old age of 22. Instead of crying about it he shaved his head, went to the gym and got healthy. He has a good sense of humour about the whole thing and still picks up.

Also - realise how much easier we have it than the birds. A lot of women will accept a guy with a neatly shaved head, provided he is fit, has a job and a sense of humour about the whole thing. How many blokes do you reckon would even glance at a girl who was losing it (which does happen).

Seriously you blokes, grow some balls and get over yourself. You are supposed to be men, not ageing primadonnas crying infront of the mirror at how the world has ravaged you. Chances are your old man went through the same thing (or if not him, your grandad). Do you reckon they allowed themselves the self indulgence of being emotionally ravaged by the realisation for a week? Just shave your head, rub that noggin and get on with the things in life which actually matter.

On another note...Sam - Isn't it about time you wrote about the growing malignant influence of the metrosexual on the psyche of the modern Sydney male? Not that theres anything wrong with looking your best but Jesus, the obsessiveness that you see some blokes getting carried away with in Sydney...makes you almost wish for a return to the days of Paul Hogan and the Winfield cup...well almost..


Good article, thanks for sharing it.

It is hard, but we have to face the truth. Balding sucks and many of us will end up with uglier women than our hairy counterparts. Sure, we can try to compensate our missing hair, but will never be as good as those blessed with a full head of hair. Thank god I have a decent height (6 foot 2 inches).


Taugenichts said:
It is hard, but we have to face the truth. Balding sucks and many of us will end up with uglier women than our hairy counterparts. Sure, we can try to compensate our missing hair, but will never be as good as those blessed with a full head of hair. Thank god I have a decent height (6 foot 2 inches).

you aren't going to get any women with your current attitude. i told this to ccs and have you heard any recent stories about him scoring? didn't think so. i'm 5 inches shorter than you, with worse hair, and i can score with women. it's not all about superficial stuff.