ASC-J9 - NEOSH101 - RU58841


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Will someone bring something new out already !!!

Do you think any of these ASC-J9, NEOSH101 or RU58841 will ever be available to the public? and if one does come out will it be better then finasteride and minoxidil. I really hope so.


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I dunno about NEOSH-101 but the others are out there.

You can get RU already if you throw some money & effort at it. Plenty of people on here have done it and there are threads all over the hair loss community about it. Some people swear by it but others see little gains.

ASC-J9 is still pretty early in the clinical trials but I think there is somewhere that will sell you a small amount of it for a couple hundred bucks a bottle. If there's no real safety problems with the stuff, then I don't see how you could lose anything but time & money by experimenting with it.


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I Know about getting the RU in powder form from Faith Eagle but I can't be arsed mixing it and aparently there is problems with stability if it's not done right. I want it to pass the FDA trials and someone sell it as a ready made solution I can just spray on my head.

NEOSH101 is in phase 2b after positive results recorded in January this year.

ASC-J9 also in phase 2.


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Im most excited about NEOSH101 as it seems to be a really potent growth agent, rather than prevention agent that the others seem to be.


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But beware that it's not as simple as: Regrowth = better than "only" loss prevention.

The current regrowth products like minoxidil are giving mild regrowth but it's WITHOUT any further loss prevention along with it. On a decade-long timespan, a prevention drug alone will probably leave you better off than a regrowth drug alone.


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Fore sure, prevention is very important and any regime wouldnt be complete without finasteride. If ASC-J9 prooves to be an even better prevention of hair loss then even better. BUT for people who need significant regrowth as well, like me, NEOSH101 seems really exciting, im not complaining about minoxidil though, its doing its thing gradually :)


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Guess neosh101 phase 2b is completed, right? :dunno:

No news yet. :sobbing:

Let's pray! Our dream must come true! :punk:


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Last April Neosil said they were hoping for a 2008 release date.

Who knows what goes on with these companies, :dunno:

The problem is while there product is going through the FDA trials they have give very little information out.


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Hair sucks, I am pretty sure that any new FDA-approved drug coming out in the next few months /years will definitely be better than propecia. And it ain't diffucult to understand why . ALL of the new drugs you mentioned are being developed specifically for male pattern baldness and not for any other medical condition (except for acne) . And all of them are topical treatments meaning they don't mess up with your hormones unlike propecia which dramatically lowers DHT serum levels thereby increasing the likelihood of people experiencing side effects


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I hope your right Dave and I hope they come out soon. Preferably NEOSH101.

I think the best treatment coming out very soon (2 weeks) is a Topical flutamide gel, apparently it has no systematic absorption. It looks very promising as studies have shown topical flutamide is great at regrowth.

I'll be trying it anyway.


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hair sucks, could you gimme some details on the topical flutamide gel coming out soon ?
I once read a study saying that flutamide as a topical works because it gets absorbed into the blood stream without being metabolysed (leading to potential sides)... the same thing seems to be true for topical dutasteride.... dont' want to discourage you but that's maybe why both dutasteride and flut haven't been developed into topical treatments so far...


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I know what you mean, same with finasteride too,

But there are studies that show Flutamide (the better) and Finasteride can work topically without systematic absorption. There is loads of info on this subject here:

The persons (company called Sinere) who started the thread over on Regrowth are developing this new Gel, FlutaGel & FinaGel both should be available in a couple of weeks from Sinere.

There is another company working on the same sort of thing, a topical lotion which contains flutamide, they have been doing studies on it for sometime and it's near completion, I think a packaging problem is delaying the release. Should be out in a couple of months.

These could be the best treatments so far, and then hopefully we will have some others like NEOSH101 or ASC-J9 to try in the near future.


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Only RU is available now, on the grey market through Faith Eagle or something.

Haven't heard anything from the Neosh camp, it probably had dismal phase IIa/b results and got canned.

ASC-J9 is progressing nicely however, in both acne trials (on to stage III soon) and a stage II study for AA should be starting within a few months as well. The hairloss study will be using a foam delivery method, like rogaine foam. The acne version is a cream or gel.


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Great! So when do you expect ASC-J9 to be on the market as a commercial product (like Rogaine or Propecia)?


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spiekey said:
Great! So when do you expect ASC-J9 to be on the market as a commercial product (like Rogaine or Propecia)?

3-5 years if all goes well for the hair loss product. The acne product could arrive sooner, maybe in as little as 3 years.