Ashton Kutcher going bald...fears it'll mess up movie career


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Sexy actor Ashton Kutcher is petrified his receding hairline will cause him to lose movie roles.
The 26-year-old former Calvin Klein model -- boyfriend of actress Demi Moore -- has been desperately concealing his balding hair by combing his locks forward, and worries that his burgeoning acting career could be jeopardize if his youthful image is tarnished.

A close friend says, "Going bald in Hollywood is a big deal for a guy, just like it is for Hollywood women who get wrinkles. But it's a lot easier, and more convincing, to have a facelift than it is to wear a wig.

"Ashton is devastated that he is thinning. It is every man's nightmare but even more so for him, as his youthful image is his fortune, as it is for every young actor."


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maybe he will use his millions to help find a cure!.......


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So who really cares????He has still got better hair than most of us who visit this forum. Jesus, if you think his hair is bad you should see mine!


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Honestly, and i know I'm going to get ripped a new one by saying this, but I feel bad for actors who are losing their hair. I mean, it goes without saying. I feel bad for myself, and I feel I have a legitimate reason. I am losing my hair, I don't date much because there are no f*****g girls in the city I live in who are mature or my age, so I wonder if I will ever get married. I feel bad for you guys, because you are going through the same sh*t, too.

But actors... I think it was Tom Sawyer who said: "I've never seen a greater love affair than between an actor and himself." It's true. Actors LOVE themselves. That's why they have the balls to get up on stage and do what they do, I think. Can you imagine how hindered a shy actor would be? So anyway, they are suffering even more because of this sh*t, but they are also in the spotlight, and everybody knows Ashton is going bald.

I guess I shouldn't feel bad for them due to the fact that they have so much gd money. But we sit here and think "man, things were really going for me, and now I'm losing my hair." Well they are thinking that they REALLY had things going for them, and now that's all changing.

Just babbling. Good luck guys.


elguapo said:
Honestly, and i know I'm going to get ripped a new one by saying this, but I feel bad for actors who are losing their hair. I mean, it goes without saying. I feel bad for myself, and I feel I have a legitimate reason. I am losing my hair, I don't date much because there are no f*****g girls in the city I live in who are mature or my age, so I wonder if I will ever get married. I feel bad for you guys, because you are going through the same sh*t, too.

But actors... I think it was Tom Sawyer who said: "I've never seen a greater love affair than between an actor and himself." It's true. Actors LOVE themselves. That's why they have the balls to get up on stage and do what they do, I think. Can you imagine how hindered a shy actor would be? So anyway, they are suffering even more because of this sh*t, but they are also in the spotlight, and everybody knows Ashton is going bald.

I guess I shouldn't feel bad for them due to the fact that they have so much gd money. But we sit here and think "man, things were really going for me, and now I'm losing my hair." Well they are thinking that they REALLY had things going for them, and now that's all changing.

Just babbling. Good luck guys.

Yes, My heart bleeds for them.

Infact, I just get sad, thinking of him crying into his $100 notes.

Molecular Help

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He could just take a vacation and get a super well done hair transplant and would be fine. Wouldn't have to worry about future ones because he'll have the money for it. That's all he's got to do... I don't really feel sorry for anyone with the means to get a great hair transplant.


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Im sorry I don't get this
Ashton is rich solutions are limitless for him.
WHy doesn't he get on propecia if he isnt already to maintain his hair and thicken it up.
and Go see Dr cole for a FUE up front or something..prblem solved..I dont follow why he cant fix his problem..this only shows the mainstream of society is ignorant to hairloss treatments


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ive got a theory........maybe he was on the big 3(propecia, rogaine, tgel) for like 5 years, he started when he was 21 and he has been holding it off, but finally the sh*t has worn out and now it's time for a f*****g WIG!


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^ 5 years and 'worn off' ?..



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Maybe if he had some real acting talent it wouldent matter.

But for "Mimbo" actors like him and Ben Afleck they have no skill to fall back on - so he should be terrified.

I hope his superficial friends and employers ditch him, maybe force him to learn to act and make a comeback in a few years making real movies, not trash like "Dude where's my car".


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Good point, if you have talent you will survive in the acting business..... i.e. Jack Nicholson, Nicolas Cage. But then it hurts the younger gen a lot more doesn't it. Anyway I'm sorry I have to say it but The Butterfly Effect was a damn good movie, and Ashton did a real convincing job in it.


Shave my poodle

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Dude wheres my hair?

I wonder if Ashton has visited this forum?


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I thought the Butterfly Effect was a good movie but didn't think Kutcher play the role good. He is not that type of actor. He is a joke around type of actor.


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I know many of you disagree with this point but I think it really is alot worse for a celebirty to lose their hair. Just think of it. If we are finding it hard to adapt socially with baldness, think how much worse it would be if you were perminantly in the eye of the whole world. Movies, tabloids, interviews, etc. It would SO much worse. Think of the paranoia. I really feel for the likes of Ashton, Jude, Dorff etc.


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Jude, I think it's true what you had about celebrities would have a harder because there in the public eye and there image is everything. But also they have the money to do what ever it takes to keep there hair not like use regular folks. Although most of use is taking the best thing we know to keep are hair.