At the dentist...


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So, today I went to the dentist. Now, my dentist was this Norbert 9 guy, but probably still in his 30's. (Maybe he'll read this post :) )

Anyway, I got asked a question that I usally answer with no anxiety at all.

"Are you currently taking any medications?"

So, I'm like, quick, think fast!
How to say what I'm taking, but make it obscure enough to not let on what it's for.

"Uhh, finasteride"

"What's that for?"

So now I'm quite nervous because I don't want to offend him, lest he drill holes in all my teeth.

"uhh, malepattrnbldnss", I say quickly...


"uhh, finasteride"

"Oh, for up here?" he says, pointing at his shiny head.

"uhh, yeah"

". . ."

". . ."

"yeah, I guess I kinda missed the boat on that one..."

". . ."

Anyway, that was the end of that little conversation, but that's the first time I've been embarrassed by my little problem. I mean, I tell my friends I'm taking propecia and rogaine, I don't care. It's not like it's my fault that I'm losing my hair. But when I have to talk about it with a guy who is way way way worse off than me... makes me feel bad for the guy.
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Haha yeah i usually feel bad for the guy whos worse off too but try having a female ask you what its for :oops: i feel like saying NONE OF YOUR DAM BUSINESS MAM!!


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Thats none of your damn business and id appreciate if you stayed out of my personal affairs........dont look so happy miss i can find sh*t in my toilet that looks better then you go get me another doctor pronto!!!!!!


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Funny Dentist
"yeah, I guess I kinda missed the boat on that one..."

Yeah but at least he had a sense of humour! When i get asked if i take any medication i just say no


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kiwi1973 said:
whats a norbert 9?????????????????????

I meant Norwood.


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Why didn´t you say you were taking it for your enlarged prostata :)

I have a friend who´s worked abroad for a couple of years now and who´s been thinning all over at ever faster rate for atleast 8years now, he´s just turned 30. We usually see each other 1-2 times a year due to fact that we live so far apart. Now, I know his hairloss bothers him big time and he sure is aware of the fact that every time he sees his old mates they do notice his proceeding thinning. We have never talked about this issue and he has no idea about me losing hair as well, though at a lot slower rate since starting on finasteride about a year ago, and besides I was lucky enough to notice my hairloss at an early stage and decided to act immediately.

But about my friend, I know he´s using a lot of money to purchase all kinds of "hair growing" shampoos at his hair dresser and all kinds of other topicals as well but I know for sure he hasn´t seen a dermatologist and isn´t taking finasteride, dutasteride or Min or even nizoral. My guess is he´s not aware of these products and is too shy or afraid to book an appointment at a doctor who could evaluate his situation and possibly prescibe him some of the stuff most of the people on this board use to fight their hairloss.

My point is, I would so much like to help him and talk about this thing with him but since we meet that seldom and only a few days at a time and have alot of other things to talk about as well like catching up with each others lives. And besides I haven´t come up with a way to bring it up. And I´m also afraid of his reaction if I did that, taking into consideration the fact he has no idea I´m kind of in the same boat with him, though sailing a few years behind. What should I do?? I don´t know whether he´s discussed this matter with his wife but I kinda doubt that.


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I know exactly what you are talking about tortoise. I recently had a motorcycle accident and I had to be taken to the ER because I had messed up my knee. I must had been asked about 10 times about the medication I took. The thing that sucked was the ER was filled with pretty goodlooking ladies about my age (21) who worked there. Anyway I I just told whoever had asked I was taking finasteride but I do not think they really knew what it was for. And whenever I go back for a check-up they ask the same thing, but I guess I would rather suck it up then go bald. Although it is still a bit weird since I have always said no to the question of taking any meds.