Attempting to halt hairless naturally...


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Right, first things first I am currently in a state of mind where I don't want to try anything like finasteride/minoxidil until I have at the very least given this a shot. I'm a long time lurker first time poster and I am well aware that I am most likely going to receive tidal wave of "You WILL go bald" posts and such the like, whilst this may be true I am aiming to try certain lifestyle changes and natural changes to see if it has any significant effect what-so-ever, if I get a year down the line and my NW2 is still turning to a 3 I'll jump on the drugs and hope like hell...

I don't expect to reverse or cure hair loss what-so-ever with these lifestyle changes, I am 24 and all I am interested in finding out is if certain lifestyle changes could buy me more time with a NW2/2.5...


A little about my current lifestyle : I am a long term smoker (12 years), recently quit smoking cannabis (3 weeks), very little muscle mass and I am very unfit cardio wise. My diet prior to about a month ago was terrible (masses of sweet junk food all the time etc..) and I average about 4 hours of sleep a night. I work 60-70 hour weeks and have done for the past 4 years.

The changes I am in a position to / and will make :

- 8 Hours Sleep a Night
- Light Cardio Daily
- Resistance Training 3 times a week
- A diet only consuming carbs from fruit and vegetables (preferably always organic), low in PUFAS, a moderate amount of organic dairy (mainly cheese based) and only grass fed organic lamb as a meat source as well as seafood (shellfish etc...)
- Quitting smoking tobacco
-Masturbation limited to twice/ 3 times a week. (But not limits on sex because...well hell no...)
-100mg of aspirin in the morning and at night
- 4 cloves of garlic along with 2 grams of vitamin c every morning
- 8000 iu on vitamin d daily
- Topical vitamin E applied to my hairline daily (possibly twice a day)


Feel free to question me on my choices and pick apart my post if you'd like to know my reasoning etc etc, but non-specific comments such as "This won't work" and suchlike will be ignored (by myself at least). Some of these choices I believe are a factor in the severity of my hair loss but I am primarily going with them for other benefits, but list them as I believe they may have knock on effects. Pictures will be coming, however for now I have no decent camera. I will buy one when I next get paid.

I'd like to thank everyone who has done for reading, I feel this could serve as a decent (although obviously anecdotal) document on wether these changes have any effect on my hair loss. I will try to check in once/twice a week.


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- 8 Hours Sleep a Night
- Light Cardio Daily
- Resistance Training 3 times a week
- A diet only consuming carbs from fruit and vegetables (preferably always organic), low in PUFAS, a moderate amount of organic dairy (mainly cheese based) and only grass fed organic lamb as a meat source as well as seafood (shellfish etc...)
- Quitting smoking tobacco

I always facepalm when I hear people say stuff like this as changes to improve their hair. How about doing this to:

1. Extend your life expectancy
2. Improved overall energy, endurance, and focus throughout the day
3. Greater sexual desirability (increased fitness, etc)

Just shows how ****ed up people's priorities are that it is THEIR HAIR that makes them want to do these things.

Oh yea, and none of this is going to do **** for your hair, but I recommend doing it anyway. Except the vitamin E and D which is useless (vitamin d + calcium is a good supplement, not for hairloss but many do not get enough calcium)


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"Some of these choices I believe are a factor in the severity of my hair loss but I am primarily going with them for other benefits, but list them as I believe they may have knock on effects."


And could you tell me why supplementing with vitamin e and d is useless? (in general not just for hair as you wouldn't recommend these two anyway?) I get pretty much no sun (wake up before daylight and work somewhere where there are no windows. Then leave at night) which is why I wanted to use Vit D3 and wanted to use E as it seems to have a good effect on blocking COX enzymes. The Vit E is more hair focused obviously...

And if you know none of this is going to do **** for my hair with such conviction can I take that from this you feel no natural factors within someones lifestyle would effect their hairloss what-so-ever? And if not then what do you feel does? I'm not looking to start some heated argument with you I am genuinely interested...

As I have said in my original post, I am not looking to, nor do I expect to cure my hair-loss. I regularly shave my head anyway and whilst I prefer myself with hair, this is not a denial crusade to be the first person to cure myself of Androgenetic Alopecia. I am just interested to see if these factors would change the rate in which I am losing hair or even halt it temporarily, if it doesn't, then hopefully there will be a fairly detailed account of this stuff not working. The reason I posted on this forum is in-case other people were interested as well...this is why there are public forums dedicated to this stuff right?



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The first thing you should do is post some baseline pics to track your progress. Yeah you will get plenty of hate from many guys on here(usually I am one of them), but I will refrain from doing that this time. I have yet to see a guy that chooses to "go natural", then actually post pics of his progress.


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And if you know none of this is going to do **** for my hair with such conviction can I take that from this you feel no natural factors within someones lifestyle would effect their hairloss what-so-ever? And if not then what do you feel does? I'm not looking to start some heated argument with you I am genuinely interested...

naturally, nothing. If it could be stopped naturally a cure would have existed 100s of years ago. It won't even change the rate, because DHT and androgen receptors are responsible for hair loss, and that is virtually the only thing. Nothing natural can stop either of those.

Meds can stop it, oral AA such as finasteride, minoxidil can give regrowth but not stop it

- - - Updated - - -

The first thing you should do is post some baseline pics to track your progress. Yeah you will get plenty of hate from many guys on here(usually I am one of them), but I will refrain from doing that this time. I have yet to see a guy that chooses to "go natural", then actually post pics of his progress.

they would never submit themselves to the shame of posting a 12 month update with their hair significantly worse, after previously ignoring all the comments about how natural remedies don't work a year earlier


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they would never submit themselves to the shame of posting a 12 month update with their hair significantly worse, after previously ignoring all the comments about how natural remedies don't work a year earlier



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The first thing you should do is post some baseline pics to track your progress. Yeah you will get plenty of hate from many guys on here(usually I am one of them), but I will refrain from doing that this time. I have yet to see a guy that chooses to "go natural", then actually post pics of his progress.

As I said in my post I'll grab a half decent camera when I'm paid. At the moment all I have is a IMac built in webcam which won't pick up anything in detail, especially seeing as I currently have a shaved head anyways...


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naturally, nothing. If it could be stopped naturally a cure would have existed 100s of years ago. It won't even change the rate, because DHT and androgen receptors are responsible for hair loss, and that is virtually the only thing. Nothing natural can stop either of those.

Meds can stop it, oral AA such as finasteride, minoxidil can give regrowth but not stop it

- - - Updated - - -

they would never submit themselves to the shame of posting a 12 month update with their hair significantly worse, after previously ignoring all the comments about how natural remedies don't work a year earlier

Wow, if you don't mind me asking how severe is your hairless at the moment? It's just you seem incredibly bitter and negative about even the idea of exploring alternative methods to slow hair loss. It may seem like a crazy concept to you but I don't really mind if a bunch of people I have never met are going to feel the need to say I told you so to me in a years time...and I feel there is absolutely no shame in trying to see if any factors within someones life that can be changed naturally might slow the rate of male pattern baldness. Infact I'd go as far to say it's something I'd be quite proud of doing because even if it doesn't work this post will be a good account of why you should jump on the finasteride as soon as possible. Rather than listen to someones confrontational and negative comment and take it for gospel...

Anyway back to the DHT stuff, as far as I can tell DHT floods the hair follicle causing inflammation ultimately shrinking the follicle leaving it unable to get the nutrients it needs to generate full and healthy hair, which then signals the cells within the follicle to down-regulate hair growth inducing factors.
If this is the case wouldn't decreasing circulating C-Reactive Proteins around the body in general serve as a possibly beneficial move to slow the rate of hair loss? Less inflammation in general would surely lessen the effect of inflammatory DHT?

Also I've read studies that show increases in exercise and muscle mass (to a point) increase the build up of skeletal muscular DHT within the I am not a biologist but surely if resistance training and exercise increases testosterone and in turn, DHT at a lesser rate than the skeletal muscles soak it up then wouldn't this also serve as a beneficial effect? Not to mention the fact that a large majority of men experience some sort of hair loss after the age of 30/40 which is also when the hormonal profile of men starts to drastically change through a drop in testosterone and rise in DHT and Estrogen...
A lot of these lifestyle changes also have anti-estrogenic effects...


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Right, first things first I am currently in a state of mind where I don't want to try anything like finasteride/minoxidil

A little about my current lifestyle : I am a long term smoker (12 years), recently quit smoking cannabis (3 weeks),

The changes I am in a position to / and will make :

- 8 Hours Sleep a Night
- Light Cardio Daily
- Resistance Training 3 times a week
- A diet only consuming carbs from fruit and vegetables (preferably always organic), low in PUFAS, a moderate amount of organic dairy (mainly cheese based) and only grass fed organic lamb as a meat source as well as seafood (shellfish etc...)
- Quitting smoking tobacco
-Masturbation limited to twice/ 3 times a week. (But not limits on sex because...well hell no...)
-100mg of aspirin in the morning and at night
- 4 cloves of garlic along with 2 grams of vitamin c every morning
- 8000 iu on vitamin d daily
- Topical vitamin E applied to my hairline daily (possibly twice a day)

I'd like to thank everyone who has done for reading, I feel this could serve as a decent (although obviously anecdotal) document on wether these changes have any effect on my hair loss. I will try to check in once/twice a week.

you are worried about minoxidil/finas sides, an arent you worried about smoking/marihuana sides, do you know that cigarettes causes erectile disfuntion, kung, laringeal, blander, miocardial nfartion marihuana causes Generalized anxiety (long term) . Still good your leaving them.

why would take aspirin for hair Loss, when minoxidil was first discovered as a potencial treatment for hair Loss it was first used for hipertensión they noticed hair growth in people who used minoxidil. Aspirin is a medication with a lot of clinical benefits but no hair growth, if it hasnt shown any noticiable effect on larger population on their clinical trials made in past why would it have for you.

good for you, uyll do cardio and liftweighting. If you dont lose hair, it will cause of your genétic background.


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you are worried about minoxidil/finas sides, an arent you worried about smoking/marihuana sides, do you know that cigarettes causes erectile disfuntion, kung, laringeal, blander, miocardial nfartion marihuana causes Generalized anxiety (long term) . Still good your leaving them.

Exactly! People will take and use every other drug on the planet that have the potential to cause every side you can imagine, but finasteride is way too dangerous because there is a small chance you might get ED. I guess we all have to draw the line somewhere.


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I have the link to my status in my signature. View it here

I'd be quite proud of doing because even if it doesn't work this post will be a good account of why you should jump on the finasteride as soon as possible. Rather than listen to someones confrontational and negative comment and take it for gospel...

theres been enough accounts. It doesn't matter because people who are determine to try natural things don't listen. What you are doing has been done hundreds of times. All that stuff you are mentioning has a very small effect at best, nothing capable of changing a rate of loss to any significant degree

if it seems I am bitter its because im tired of these types of threads which come up all the time, and having to explain this stuff wont change your hair


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you sir are a ****ing idiot no offence.
you should be doing those things that youve listed as zzz suggested for your general wellbeing, not only your hair
and none of that **** is gonna improve your situation with hair loss'

get on finasteride/minoxidil if u wanan do something about your hair