ATTN Bolshy: borageseed oil


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I just realized an even cheaper source of borageseed oil: borage seeds.

Flax seeds are $1.59 a pound organic bulk. I don't remember how much oil there is per gram, but I looked on the food lable for peanuts and it is 50%. So lets say flax seeds are 20% oil just for the sake of underestimate. 300mL of flaxseed oil costs $9. So $9 of flaxseed is about 6 pounds, so about 1.1 pounds of oil, which is about 500mL. So it is cheaper to get the oil from the seeds, and there is other good stuff in the seeds, like lignans and protein and carbohydrates. Just need a small coffee grinder. I wonder if the borageseeds are at a price that gives the oil for half the price, like the flax. The flax is probably 1/4 the price of the oil, since the 20% was a low estimante. Anyone know the actual number?

Anyway, Bolshy, do you know if it is safe to get 3g of borageseed oil per day, or if the borageseeds are toxic in anyway?

check out the price of this borageseed oil:
I'll buy some of that to put in my minoxidil and make GLA from to put on my head, but I'm thinking of saving money by getting my oral borageseed oil from the seeds. Any comments?


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27 ... c=johpdpl0
Here is the only place that I could find with it.

Google is such a crappy search engine that if I search for borage seed it just gives me sites with flax seed. Obviously they sold out to the ads so you can't just search. Trapped in ad paid ad world.

I'll also call a few health food stores in town to see if they can get it. It is high in fiber. I don't know how it is possible to get a pure oil out of a seed, and I feel better just eating the seed.


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16oz for $36. I can get a gallon for $135 on a different sight, though not sure if it organic.

1oz = 30mL, so 480mL.

I can get 90 1g soft gels for $23. So 30% the cost for the 16oz. And the gallon is half the price of that, since it is 8x as much for 4x the price. I want 3mL per day, but some may come from the seeds. So 16oz will last me a year if I get 1mL from the liquid, put some on my head, and get the other 2mL from seeds.

And I found out that flax seeds are 1/3 oil by weight. I can't find the nutritional information on borage seeds. Must not be one of the pages google has stored.

here is one site that has 7 pounds for $122. ... 0&cart_id=

Since sesame seeds are 50% oil by weight, and so are peanuts, and flax is 1/3, I think 1/3 is a safe bet for the borage seed. So I need 6g of borage seed per day, so 180g per month. So that is 40% of a pound. Since bulk borage seed oil is 9x the price of bulk flax oil on that sight, I think the borages seed will be 9x$1.59 per pound = about $16 per pound, which is more than almonds cost ($12 per pound). So I'm looking at $6.50 per month for the seed to get 2g per day. If I got it from the 480mL oil, it would last me 480/60 = 8 months = 4.5 per month. So unless the borage seed is much less $10 per pound, it is cheaper to buy the 16oz, though the seed has other value. If I take 3g a day for a year, that would be about 32oz, so $72 per year.

That gallon is $123, and would last me 4 years. I could split it with 4 people, for $31 each. If you want 16oz, that is $15 each. Anyone want to split it with me? I'm going to find out how much those seeds cost first. I doubt they are cheap.


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I called a seed supplier, and the borage seeds were $100 per pound. Rediculous. I don't know if they are affraid of me growing the seeds or affraid of me selling them myself, or if they really cost that much and the borageseed oil we buy is cut with corn oil. I've noticed a lot of chemicals on the net, like propylene glycol or DMSO, can vary in price by 5x or more from site to sight, so I'm going to bet they just are expensive. Maybe I should have tried to negotiate that way down by telling them I know they get it for a lot less than that.

I called the food conspiracy coop, and asked if they can order some, and they told me I have to call the manager of the bulk department tomorrow. If they are less than $10 a pound, I'll get them. I wish I could read about the health effects of the seed itself, but I can't find any site about eating the seeds. Just the oil. Same with safflower seeds.


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I can't think of any reason why your suggested intake of borage seed oil/seeds would cause a problem. I have checked with a nutritionist friend before I started taking it, who agrees that there is not a problem. The only issue I can think of it that of pesticides, but even then I think you would have to take considerably more borage for any discernible levels to be registered in the blood. I tend to get organic when I buy my seed based supplements.

I'm interested in splitting the cost with you if you can find a decent source for the borage and of course, I'd be really keen on the pure GLA you plan to extract (with a mark up fee for your expertise :roll: )

Let me know how you get on and thanks for all the info


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bryan does not think the $122/gallon borageseed oil is edible. I'm going to email them and find out. Looks like I might just be buying the 16oz for $36.

I could make the borageseed fatty acids, but buying the lye and muriatic acid and mixing it at the right pace sounds like a major pain in the butt for something that may or may not compete with dutasteride, especially when I have other cheap topicals. I know the lye is cheap though. I wonder if I can store the excess in the lab, and if anyone would care that we have 20x the usual amount in the chemical cabinet.