Attn Forum Vets


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So I've been registered at this forum roughly 10 months, and have been coming for a little over a year. I see a lot of exciting research is going on toward resolving this male pattern baldness issue. My question to the long time forum users is this: Is it normal to see this much research and buzz about possible permanent solutions to hair loss, or is this actually exciting to you guys as well? Do these new breakthroughs seem like real milestones, or do things seem to be going at the same pace they've always been?

michael barry

Senior Member
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Yes there is a big difference between MAKING new hairs "de noveau" and chemically trying to induce existing hairs to grow.
Follica and Intercytex are working on true permanent solutions to baldness----not mere treatments

In the past, we have been looking at treatments that will chemically stimulate balding follicles to grow with anti-androgens to protect them from male hormone----but its all still getting hair that wanted to fall out to stay. Intercytex and Follica especially are hoping to either make brand new hair that will be resistant to DHT like the hair on the sides of your head is or in Intercytex's case possibly "impregnating" existing hair with more of the DNA profile of the hair on your head that is "permanent" to an extent---thus really -changing- it essentially.

If neither of these approaches work, it may be a long while before something else comes down the pike. Gene therapy is decades off, and quite frankly I cant think of anything else that would work other than that to put hair on a bald head other than transplants from other areas of the head/body and those have serious limitations.