Australian hair loss ppl, plz read.... need help


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ok, ive just figured out im losing my hair. Im 21 and i don't think im ready to lose my hair just yet. I think im about a 2 on the norwood scale ( )

Now i live in Syndey Australia and there are two well known hair loss centers. How well they work i do not know. This comming week i plann to visit both center's and figure out which one to go with, if any.

What i would like is for anyone in australia who has used or is currently using either Ashley Martain ( ) OR Advanced Hair studio ( ). Any advice as i suppose you would all guess, would GREATLY be appreciated


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hmm... never went to either. Probably never will.

I mean, what can they do besides surgery? They'll tell you to get propecia (from them) and minoxidil (from them) and charge a horrible amount for it..

but as i said, never went to them for "advice".. instead, I went to this forum, read some journals, and then my doctor.
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You might get a free initial consultation. I can't say I trust those places, I figure they charge a lot more than they should. They're unlikely to recommend cheap natural treatments (which I am experimenting with), and if it came to hair transplants down the track you might want to shop around with surgeons.

If you can get a free consultation, suss them out.


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yeah, im gonna get the consultation. After i go to both of them, ill post an explainatino of what they did and are offering me


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gonna_win said:
ok, ive just figured out im losing my hair. Im 21 and i don't think im ready to lose my hair just yet. I think im about a 2 on the norwood scale ( )

Now i live in Syndey Australia and there are two well known hair loss centers. How well they work i do not know. This comming week i plann to visit both center's and figure out which one to go with, if any.

What i would like is for anyone in australia who has used or is currently using either Ashley Martain ( ) OR Advanced Hair studio ( ). Any advice as i suppose you would all guess, would GREATLY be appreciated

Hi mate

please be careful, when i started losing my hair i went to a lot of these hair clinics and all where very dodgy, Advanced hair sell something called strand by strand hair replacement, which is basicly a hair peace, but they wont tell you that, they told me the that rogaine didnt work, they are salesmen not doctors and they are not qualified in treating hairloss
do a search on advanced hair on google and you will see how dodgy they are.

as for Ashley & Martain they are not much better but do sell minoxidil and fineastride but at a very high price

so my advice is keep hold of your wallet, get educated on hairloss and the treatments remember for every treatment that works there are ten scams

the only treaments the have any aprovel for hairloss are rogaine (minoxidil) wich you should be able to get for 20 au a month and propecia(finastride)



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Fellow Sydney-Sider

Im sorry to hear about your hair loss.

Though try not to panic or anything

Firstly I VERY STRONGLY RECOMMEND...don't go to ANY of these places.

They are simply just money making businesses and put on the facade of being helpful, but basically just want your money.

The best thing for you to do is see a certified dermatoligist by getting a referral from your GP. That is simply the best thing you can do. You may need to shop around with them, but do your research first be it on here on elsewhere on the net ( making sure to filter out bogus information) so you know what questions to ask and how they can help you.

There are only a few clinically proven treatments to prevent/stop hair loss and you can find out what they are by researchng this site.

Hair clinics will bombard you will bullshit that is not usefull.

I did a lot of the sydney clinics when i was in my initial panic mode when i realised i was loosing my hair, but just realise they just want money. And the information they provide is available to you for free if you just do a bit of searching on the net.

Good luck and i hope this helps.


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G'day mate,

I'm in Melbourne. Ashley and Martin are a rip. As is advanced hair. I've been in to see Advanced hair. Don't waste your time. You'll get better results with minoxidil and propecia which you should get onto straight away.

There are a couple of good doctors down here for transplants and stuff, and they can give you GOOD and real advice. one of them, Dr. White, operates in Sydney as well. If you want their details, let me know and I'll post 'em.

Get yourself on the minx and propecia pal, thats my advice.



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Dude, Stay away from both! I have been to both of them and they are scams. When I fist noticed hair loss I went to see Ashley & Martin on their "Free consultation" and that visit was sooo unpleasent! They try to put you onto their program which is about AU$8000 and they really put you under a lot of preasure to make you sign the papers and pay the money. I walked out of the "Free" consultation! I also went to the "Free" consultation at Advanced Hair Studio as well - same BS - not as unpleasent though......

Bottom line is they don't have the answers as they claim they have. You will save time and a LOT of money if you stop f*****g around with these scams. Go see your doctor, get a perscription for finasteride and go down to your local Soul Patterson pharmacy and pick up your finasteride perscription along with Nizoral 2% which you can buy over the counter.

BTW: Roy Young pharmacy (Chatswood) sell their finasteride slightly cheaper - you can also use

Owl Jolson

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Rage said:
hmm... never went to either. Probably never will.

I mean, what can they do besides surgery? They'll tell you to get propecia (from them) and minoxidil (from them) and charge a horrible amount for it..

but as i said, never went to them for "advice".. instead, I went to this forum, read some journals, and then my doctor.

Rage, what journals did you look it?


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hey gonna_win

what happened with your consultations with ashley and martin and addvanced hair?
would love to know what you thought of them
