Avacor Commercial


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I don't know if anyone else has seen this...

Avacor now has a commercial where they say..
"Now with our extra-strength formula, go from this *balding man* to this *balding man with lot of hair regrowth* on the first application!"

and then on the top it says "60 seconds later"


Anyone else seen this? I had to do a double-take when I saw it to make sure I read it correctly.

Thanks to a site like this and some common sense, I would never order that product, but isn't that ridiculous? Atleast it made me laugh.

not me!

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I think that they are marketing a Toppik-like product with their assortment of over-priced junk.

The Gardener

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Signs of desperation...

AVACOR is on its way out of business. The secret is out that the active ingredient in it is 2% minoxidil. Marketing it in conjunction with a concealer is the only way for them to make some fast bucks before the lawsuits against them potentially put them out of business.


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I dont think AVACORE will go out of business because a lot of people buys the product that they hear on the radio. Which is one of the reason why people hear that and try that before any FDA approve products.

not me!

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ACT10Npack said:
I dont think AVACORE will go out of business because a lot of people buys the product that they hear on the radio. Which is one of the reason why people hear that and try that before any FDA approve products.

Exactly. Never underestimate the power of the uninformed consumer.


Senior Member
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Action: Did you notice Nizoral is spelled incorrectly in your signature?

Is that for fun?


IwantMyhair said:
Action: Did you notice Nizoral is spelled incorrectly in your signature?

Is that for fun?

He has spelt it the same as you. for those who like a bit of black humour...