Avodart for sale...


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I've been on Propecia for 4-5 months, and while things don't look perfect, I guess they are improving slowly.

But anyway -- I ordered some genuine Avodart to make the switch -- under the assumption that if it blocks more DHT, it must be better -- but now all these horror stories have turned me off.

Was I stupid to consider switching to Avodart after only 5 months on Propecia?

If so, I have two full packs of brand name Avodart for sale, as well as a Medical Wellness Center prescription for another three. Obviously, I can't transfer the script over to your name, but I'd be happy to play 'middle man' for anyone without a script.

I'd probably be looking for about $90 a pack, I guess. PayPal would be easiest.

Unless someone else here has made the dramatic switch from Propecia to Avodart after only a short while, and had good results...?


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Eek -- sorry, guys. I meant to say I paid $90 a pack.

I'll probably sell them for $65 each pack.

As for the prescription -- up to you who you get it filled by. I'd still like to cover some of my MWC costs -- maybe $40? It cost me about $70 for the prescription, including postage.


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I'll sell both for $120, including shipping anywhere in the world via Air Mail.

If you want Express shipping, it'll cost another $10.