avodart hairline pictures.... after three months....


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This is from November:

And this is from December:

The question is: Is this just a shed from the avodart I started in October? Or is it because the avodart I'm taking is fake, or is it because it's just not working?

My hairline started to receed gradually while I was on Proscar, so I switched this fall, hoping it would turn around.

Is it too soon to tell? I'm a little anxious about it.... please post your advice...


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too soon. ive been on it for four and havent noticed anything either unfortunately. the pictures look exactly the same to me so hang in there.


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You used Regaine for 2 months?? why did you stop??

This avodart? where did you purchase it from??

You could try the new Regaine foam and start using Nizoral shampoo.

Failing that try spirolactin cream on your hair line.

The thing is you should give Avodart a little more time it has only just started to build up to a good level in your system if you are taking 1 pill a day.

I would stick with 1 pill a day and add Nizoral 3 times a week and give it 3 more months.


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I've been on Rogaine and still am... will update my regimen, so it reads more logically:)

What is the spirolactin... something that I should put on my hairline...? Should I add that, on top of Rogaine?

Think I bought it on ElitenetPharm.... and so on... Is that a bad place?


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spironolactone - its a topical anti androgen cream that you put on your hairline for some extra protection. you can read about it and order it from dr lees website at minoxidil.com or do a search on here.

id be pretty sure your dutasteride is real - too many people scaremonger
about this imo.


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are you sure, that the mark line is in the same position ?

I don't think so, because I have measured the vertical distance from the upper pimple to the line.

The scale should be identical. Distance from the eye to the line across the pimple is the same.

It's not a hairloss due to genetic, I guess. reason -> hair don't fall out so fast due to genetic hairloss

I think shedding occurs. I also take dutasterid and have the same hair state. It seems to be hair regrowing.

merry x-mas

best regards



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when I look at those pictures, and note where the bone crease intersects the corner, it looks to me like the second line is drawn lower than the first one.


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CCS don't say that the guy looks like he will be a Norwood 4 by March!!!


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so the general opinion is that I'm regrowing? hmm... will try to measure pixels... but the angle isn't EXACTLY the same.. but close...

Far Too Young

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I think the general opinion is that the line drawn exagerrates the hairloss. You may very well be regrowing. It is of note that the hairline in the picture is much less "defined". But do you think dutasteride might be a little overkill for this slim level of loss, though?


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nothing is overkill....:) i've been on proscar... but found it too weak for my hairline... hoped that dutasteride would make a difference....


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collegechemistrystudent said:
when I look at those pictures, and note where the bone crease intersects the corner, it looks to me like the second line is drawn lower than the first one.

That's what I noticed, as well.


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He should tatoo a line on his head, photo graph, and then take another picture in 3 months. then we will know for sure. hehehe