Avodart is here....


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I am now seeing commercials on TV for Avodart and is ability to shrink an enlarged prostate more effectively than Proscar. It says in the commercial that it has a very low incedince of side effects including b**ch tits and sexual dysfunction.

I was thinking of asking my derm for a script of this if infact it is proven to be better than Proscar? Battling both DHT sources.

Anyone with knowledge on this subject I would love to hear your opinion. Especially those who have started a regimen with Avodart.

This was a hot topic on here a year or so back, but seems to have died off and Proscar still seems to be the best choice.


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There are a lot of discussions in the archives, and lots on other sites as well... here is a link to a thread discussing the evidence available (the avodart phase II trial)... http://www.hairsite4.com/dc/dcboard.php ... &mode=full

Propecia is the first line drug due to its low cost and short half-life (meaning that if you get side-effects they will last a long time. Still, according to the studies the incidents of side effects is not greatly different than for finasteride.

There is only a smallish study for avodart (6 months) while propecia's data goes up to 5 years... So the long term difference in efficacy is not proven, but could be guestimated to be as good as finasteride (not proven) for avodart.

At 6 months serum DHT is lower with .5mg dutasteride than finasteride, but by hair counts the two drugs have largely similar results. At doses higher than .5mg dutasteride/day there is much lower DHT and somewhat better hair counts, but few people take (or can afford) the higher doses.

On the boards some people claim to have results with dutasteride when they had none with finasteride, while some claim they got worse (temples)... I don't know why that would be, but they say it happens. http://www.hairsite2.com/library/article243.htm

Personally I tried to take dutasteride .5mg, four pills a day for a couple of months (as i think it would have been approved at 2.5mg a day for 6 months then .5mg/day)... I think my hair has thickened up a little, with some temple improvement (could be due to the new minoxidil too) and overall Im happy. BUT i got loss of libido which I never had with finasteride. Currently Im cutting back to .5mg one or two a day and waiting the 6 months needed for the drug to wash out to see how much things improve... not unfunctional, just lethargic. I know you can't afford such issues, so I though I'd warn you.

good luck


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Thanks and no I can't afford those issue's. I have no problem with Propecia, but when I saw the recent avodart commercial it made me think.
Money is not a problem as my insurance will cover it. My derm should prescribe it if it indeed does help with hairloss.

It's funny but it seems to have been one of those things like the laser comb that did not live up to its hype.

Thanks for the infor corn man....

Green Soap

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Dutasteride scares the sh*t out of me. People talking about shriveling up like a raisin....brain pain and body functions inhibited.

Lucky for me finasteride and minoxidil have nearly completely cured my hairloss.


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man im even scared about propecia ive been on it for 6 month


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I have been taking dutasteride for a while now and pay about $1 a pill for generic. I did try finasteride first but I just kept shedding heavy for quite a while so I switched to dutasteride and I have had very little sides and good results.

I still don't think it's something you should just jump on, if finasteride is giving you maintenance and you are not losing ground stick with it and keep up the minoxidil to help regrowth.

I was quite lucky as I have been responding very well to dutasteride and have not had to result to minoxidil to help regrowth. I have waited quite awhile to get to a point where I am happy with my hair on dutasteride. I am still making ground on the very small patch of fine hair at my crown but then again I have always had a largeish crown so I don't really notice that much.

I did take a little hit at the front of my hair line which was pretty good to start with so it did not notice too much but that has nearly all grown back.


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Efficacy and safety of long-term treatment with the dual 5alpha-reductase inhibitor dutasteride in men with symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia

By Debruyne F; Barkin J; Erps Pv P; Reis M; Tammela TL; Roehrborn C 426
Department of Urology, University Hospital Nijmegen, Geert Grooteplein 10,
P.O. Box 9101, 6500 HB Nijmegen, The Netherlands;
Collective Name: On behalf of the ARIA3001, ARIA3002 and ARIB3003 Study Investigators.
Eur Urol 2004 Oct;46(4):488-95 (ISSN: 0302-2838)

OBJECTIVES:: Dutasteride, a dual inhibitor of Type 1 and Type 2 5alpha-reductase, has been shown to improve disease measures in patients with symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in three randomised, placebo-controlled, large-scale, 2-year Phase III clinical studies. This paper reports the pooled results of a 2-year open-label extension of the three randomised studies assessing the long-term efficacy and safety of dutasteride.

METHODS:: Patients randomised to dutasteride or placebo in the double-blind portion of the Phase III studies were eligible for a 2-year open-label extension, where all patients received dutasteride 0.5mg daily (dutasteride/dutasteride [D/D] group and placebo/dutasteride [P/D group]). RESULTS:: Significant improvements in AUA-SI score and Q(max) were observed from Month 24 to 48 in both study groups. At Month 48, patients in the D/D group had significantly greater improvements in AUA-SI score and Q(max), and significantly greater reductions in prostate volume, than those in the P/D group. Acute urinary retention and BPH-related surgery occurred in a small percentage of patients during the open-label phase. No new safety issues were noted with long-term therapy. Onset of new drug-related adverse events were reported most frequently at the start of therapy and declined over time in patients receiving dutasteride.

CONCLUSIONS:: Long-term treatment with dutasteride results in continuing improvements in urinary symptoms and flow rate, and further reductions in TPV, in men with symptomatic BPH. The reduction in risk of AUR and BPH-related surgery, seen in the double-blind phase, was durable over 4-year treatment. Dutasteride was also well tolerated in long-term use.

Regrowth Notes: Although this study does not deal directly with hair loss, it does show that Avodart (Dutasteride 0.5mg) is well tolerated and remains effective at reducing DHT over a long period.


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Good info all around. I bring this subject up because the commercial said it was low risk and the best treatment for BPH. Now lets be honest if the stuff wasn't thoroughly tested do you think they would actually go on National A market Televsion stating that Duta has a low incedance of side effects?? Of course not that is a multi million dollar law suit at the least. All the commercial said was " side effects are low, some men may experience tender breasts or sexual disfuntion." Or something to that effect, overall it was very benign which got my attention- Duta does not sound like the Atom bomb of side effects like some talk about.

The stories of Brain Tumors and shrunken nut sacks sound like science fiction or a rare case of ckicken nuts. :freaked2:


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If you look at the actual studies done by GSK the incidence of side effects is very low and not much greater than for finasteride.

Without doubt the extra inhibition of DHT from dutasteride is beneficial for people for whom finasteride has not completely halted their loss.

I've been using it for about 3 years now with very few side effects and a total halt to my hairloss which finasteride didnt achieve.