avodart or propecia?


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I'm gonna give these another try - along with L-arginine to counter the reduced libido affects I've been suffering from.

Which do you think I should use - propecia or avodart?

also - does can anyone recommend a better pill to counter the libido affects other than L-arginine?


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I think you should go see a doctor rather then asking random people on the internet about your medical treatment.


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juststarting said:
I think you should go see a doctor rather then asking random people on the internet about your medical treatment.

What kind of answer is this?? The guy's asking for advice!? What are you here for if not for seeking somebody else's experience and advice!

Kennyboy: I think if you already have had problems with libido problems propecia might be the way to go - although I cannot say if perfectly sure about this..

How long did you try out propecia before??


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Why should I go to my doctor and end up explaining to him the pharmacology of different hair loss medications? The Interent is a hell of lot better resource than putting blind faith in a man who seems to be more worried about his golf game than the state my hair follicles.


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The internet is a better source of info than most doctors these days. You can look up drug interactions, statistical studies, information - all kinds of stuff that doctors neither have the time nor the ambition to explain to you.

If you can get Avodart for reasonable price, I would give that a shot.


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Hi Parttimeninja

I've used propecia on and off for about 6 years.... more off than on really as I've tried to control my libido by taking the propecia less frequently.

Though as I'm not getting any younger (35 now!) I've recently stopped it all together and sure enough my libido returned nicely..

Then of course after a month my hair started to fall out pretty rapidly and I tried out advodart - too soon to see whether it's more or less effective than propecia but what I did notice almost straight away was it affecting my libido again....

So I posted a few threads asking about topical solutions with varying replies.....a few too many options from helpful posters to form any sort of confidence really - though if if you can tell me what the most successful topical treatment is then I think I'd rather go that way...

Then I noticed some mentions of L-Arginine here and there and thought I might try this - I've thought for some time that a good way forward would be to stay on propecia or similar as I got decent results but combat the libido affects with something else? my fiance says it's all getting too complex but I'm willing to try anything....

thanks for the help guys - please keep the advice coming.