Avodart Question...


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ok iv been on Avodart .5mg for about 3 months now and i dont think iv seen any improvements i know they say to wait for 6months to a year....also is it normal to lose alot of hair while in the shower...usually wash my hair every other day and i get alot of hair comming out...is this normal....and can you get perscription on 2.5mg in canada...iv tried but they gave me 0.5mg and im like wtf??


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Mike_1987 said:
ok iv been on Avodart .5mg for about 3 months now and i dont think iv seen any improvements i know they say to wait for 6months to a year....also is it normal to lose alot of hair while in the shower...usually wash my hair every other day and i get alot of hair comming out...is this normal....and can you get perscription on 2.5mg in canada...iv tried but they gave me 0.5mg and im like wtf??

You can only be prescribed .5mg from a doctor.

If you go the 2.5mg route, you'll probably need to buy generic dutasteride because it's so much cheaper.

As far as 3 months, that's still little time in the whole scheme of things. I would think that you would notice a decrease in hairloss... however, many dutasteride users report shedding the first 6 months of use.


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dang that means if i want to get 2.5mg i have to spill out some cash...iget Avodart for free so i guess ill have to stick with 0.5mg then....do u know of any solution for the hairline and basically the front of the hair...its been thinning alot and i have recently started to use Nizoral 2% 2X a week....iv heard of ppl talking about that whole aloe-avodart thing...whats your opinion on that?


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I think Aloe-Avodart is just a waste.

We have seen no photographic results of it.

I think that the best hairline treatments we have are this:

Topical spironolactone Cream
Copper Peptides

I think that those will probably save, regrow, or slow down hairloss on your hairline.

Keep up with the internal dutasteride.


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Aplunk1 said:
I think that the best hairline treatments we have are this:

Topical spironolactone Cream
Copper Peptides
Lasercomb is also good for this!


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ok feelin stupid but what is Avodart actually doing i know it inhibits the converson of testosterone to DHT but with the whole hair shedding whats goin on there is it getting rid of the "weaker" hair to allow new strong hair to come through or does this take time (ie. hair folicles get bigger over time?) can some one clarify this? and also im nt as horny as i use to be...feel like a woman....is there any suppliments i can take ie. Zinc to stop this form happening, i miss being horny!!!!! :(


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@Mike_1987: to answer a part of your questions.

How long did you take already dutasteride? I have not much problems with libido. The first weeks i had but it normalized to at least the level having been on finasteride.
And one advise: if you are missing to be horny, don't have orgasm for 3-5 days. Then you get so horny automatically.


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and the thinning is really freakin me out.....like ill wash my hair and it just comes out..only in the front the sides and back crown and all are thick as hell...thankfully but i can start to see the thinning over time in the front and its killing me.....im 18 yrs old, should i not be taking Avodart...fell like i shouldent have started this stuff cuz its got so bad....mabye its not even working cuz all it has done was shed since iv been on it :cry: iv been on it since March of 06 and finsihing almost my 3ed box of avodart 30pills per box months now and im scared...please help


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@Mike: stay patient!
You are young, this is a big advantage! Do you take 0.5mg every day? After month 4 i lowered my dose to 4x0.5mg/week.
You could do this, too, if you see improvement.

And you could consider trying the lasercomb. For me it works. You can test it for 3 month. Or/then buy it in rates.


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hey thatnks for your help...i am thankful for it....iv been taking avodart everyday once in a while i forget to take it but yes everyday....another question iv heard that taking MSM is good to speed up hair growth do u know anything about it and what dose to take it at?


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You guys should stick to propecia until Avodart is approved for hair loss. Nobody knows the long term effects of Avodart...


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jay2K6 said:
You guys should stick to propecia until Avodard is approved for hair loss. Nobody knows the long term effects of Avodart...

So you're saying it might make you an Avo'tard?