Avodart Symptoms


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I have been taking avodart for about a month and when i first started i got a small rash on my neck, but it was a more concentrated rash, it did not spread. After taking it for a little over a week it went away. A couple nights ago i noticed that I had the same type of rash, but now its on my back and is larger (an actually located on two areas of my back). Should I stop taking avodart and go back to finasteride? I am not sure what to do. So far I have found no results on regards to my current hair and its condition. Any replies will help. Thanks again.


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How do you know it's from the avodart? doesn't sound like it is. I would imagine the rash wouldn't have disappeared if it was an alergic reaction.
Look into other possible causes...like food, new supplements, swithcing or adding laundry detergents (that one gave me a rash), a new soap in the shower....stuff like that.



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I just wanted to give all of you an update. I stopped taking avodart since my last post here and the skin rash (which was pretty severre ) has almost left entirely. It was in spotted areas, concentrated on my back.... Just thought I would give some info.


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I have been on Avodart for about 4 months now(on/off for 6 months previous to that) and have been getting the same little rashes all over my body. I don't want to stop, as I have been losing hair pretty rapidly(shed hopefully) and want to see the regrowth, but I don't know if there will be any regrowth(Propecia/minoxidil/everything else hasn't worked for me in the past 5 years up to this point). What is this caused by?

I am really trying to stick it out with this stuff for a good 8 months minimum, but the continued hair loss and little rashes are really making it difficult. Anyone have any clues? If this is still going at month 6, I will probably go back to Propecia, although it never really did much for me in the past. Thanks.
