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For those of you who rotate between finasteride and avodart, how are the results? Are you still experiencing real dry skin while rotating the two?

If your just using avodart 2 or 3 times a week, how are your results? Are you still experiencing real dry skin?

I would appreciate any feedback



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I'm taking dutasteride daily, I don't suffer from dry skin, and haven't heard of this side effect before.

How long after starting on dutasteride did this begin, and is there nothing else that could be causing it, ie. changes in diet, working environment, other meds, etc.



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How long have you been on avodart?
Yes many have experienced very dry skin while on avodart as i definately have. I started noticing it around the 2 or 3 month mark. And its gotten extremely worse to wear im getting wrinkles on my face.


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5.5 months as a daily dose and for approx. 15 months before that on an every other day basis.

So if you noticed this after 2 or 3 months how long ago was that and how old are you now?

Also, do you use any moisturizers to combat it?


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reply to Slartibartfast

Well be VERY happy your not experiencing the problem. Although using it everyday may increase your chances of getting really dry skin.

Ok here's my story. I've been telling it constantly on hairsite.com looking for answers as why im having this problem. Others have said they have been experiencing very dry skin and noticing wrinkles forming.

I'm 22, been taking avodart once per day for almost 16 months. Before that i was on propecia for two yr with decent results and extremely oily skin with lots of pimples. Now since being on avodart, my skin is way to dry causing wrinkles, one place where the skin is sagging down, two spots where the skin is thinner or unhealthy and the surface of the skin is sunkin down compared to the rest of the skin on my face. Also, everytime i pop a zit or pimple, a scab forms like is supposed to, but then the scab doesnt heal!!! The scab will stay attached to my skin for weeks and doesnt heal on its own like its supposed to. Which leads to me eventually knocking the scab off and leaving a pitted scar on my face. And im forming dis-colored pinkish spots on my face. This is not my imagination, this is indeed real, and scaring the crap out of me. I dont know what to do.

I know that avodart blocks dht from the skin. How does it do that? By blocking your sebacious glands from producing oil in the skin. Your skin cannont live or function right without oil because it will dehydrate and will eventually start leading to wrinkles. Theres certain nutrients or something in the oil thats produced by your sebacious glands that the skin needs in order to function correctly.

I'm way to young to be experiencing deep wrinkles, skin sagging, skin discolorationg, and scabs not healing. I never noticed any of this until taking avodart. I believe thats one of the reason why this drug isnt FDA approved for hairloss and never will be. If more people pay attention, i guarantee they will start noticing the problems i have such as wrinkles and etc. It just may take more time being on the drug. Im not trying to scare you all off of the drug but im just stateing my experience with it. I dont wanna quit the drug because its done wonders for my hair. I dont know what to do and im very depressed and worried.

I use moisturizers everynow and then but its not gonna help my skin problems as they continue to get worse. When your takin a drug that messes with your hormons, your looking for trouble. The reduction of of type 1 enzyme is the reason in my opinion for the skin problems because it stops almost all oil production in your skin which the skin needs the oil to function correctly.

Im gonna have to lower the dosage of avodart to twice or 3 times per week and go back to finasteride and take it most of the time.


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I have been taking dutasteride for 9 months now once a day 0.5mg and for 4 months of that I was taking finasteride 1.25mg at the same time. I have never suffered from dry skin. I would like to know if you have looked at any environmental factors that maybe effecting your skin. I am also concerned about your immune system please see your doctor and get a blood test and also make sure they take note to see if you have a thyroid problem.


Oni, that place you get your dutasteride from - how do you know the stuff is legit?

Do you trust cipla? 200 caps for under 100 quid?

have you seen inhousepharmacy btw?

They charge about 200 quid for 180 dutasteride pills.

Then there's Dr Reddy's Version - what is the difference?



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Chipper - Hi, I agree that at just 22 you are too young to be experiencing such serious sounding skin problems without there being an underlying cause. Unfortunately I doubt the people on this board are qualified to answer definitively whether or not this is caused by the Dutasteride or by some other ailment (i.e. thyroid/immunological deficiency, as oni suggested). Even with the appropriate medical qualifications I suspect it would be impossible to answer this without a full consultation and an array of tests on your blood.

So it seems that you have three, admittedly obvious, options;

1) Stop taking, or reduce your dosage of, Dutasteride.
2) Make an appointment to visit your GP, explain what has happened to you and what you think is causing it. Hopefully their medical knowledge, along with tests on your blood, will provide some answers.
3) Do nothing and hope it magically improves by itself.

I wish I could be of more help, best of luck



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I went and saw my doctor today and have blood test. My next appointment with the Doctor is in two weeks, so i guess ill know something by then from the blood tests.


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Use emu oil on your skin at night and copper peptides during the day. Two good products are Protect and Restore (copper peptides) and emu oil for skin, both available from skinbiology.com. My skin has improved since being on dutasteride because I'm using these and other skin biology skin products.


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so your saying you have experienced extreme dry skin, wrinkles or other skin problesm since starting avodart?


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I have not, but I'm 48, so my skin is naturally drier than it was when I was younger, and wrinkles are starting to creep around my eyes and across my cheekbones, so I'm working on trying to reduce them. Copper peptides is a proven skin rejuvinator, and emu oil is probably the best natural oil for the skin. It has too much of an oil look for me during the day, which is why I use Skin Biology's Protect and Restore over their Super CP Serum during the day, Retin-A and emu oil at night.


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ive been taking propecia for 2 years, wht do you think a good dosage on avodart would be to start taking, im heavily considering switching to it


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To mvpsoft

I just ordered some emu oil. Does it penetrate into the skin well? Will it help scabs heal from pimples? The other stuff looks good but i cant afford that right now.


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Emu oil does penetrate well if you use it in small amounts. However, it also makes my skin look a bit oily, so I only use it at nights. I have no idea what it will do to pimples. You might ask questions like these on the forum at skinbiology.com.


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Zak - Hi, .5mg per day is the standard dose. Much less than that may not offer a big enough gain over finasteride and a higher dose probably wouldn't be dramatically more effective, just .5mg of Dutasteride a day reduces DHT levels by 90%+. However, if you do decide to take dutasteride, you can reduce the time it takes to accumulate in your system with a 1.5mg dose for the first 10 days - as this graph demonstrates:


and then cut it back to the standard dosage.
