Awesome product with no sides!


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Sadly, its not for hairloss. But rather for facial acne from finasteride (or in general). When I started finasteride, I got a lot of bad pimples. Two weeks later, they were still hanging out on my face so I decided to do something. Went to Walmart and looked around stupidly for a while when I found "Clearasil for Men: Energizing Acne Scrub" or something close to that. I used it and a few days later, all my acne was gone. I use it maybe twice a week and it keeps my skin clear. Over thanksgiving, I went home and forgot it at school. Now pimples have popped up. The stuff has salicylic acid in it so it sorta burns when its on your face but your face feels great when your done.

My advice for skin acne: Go buy Clearasil for Men: Energizing Acne Scrub, put it in the shower next to your nizoral, t-sal, or whatever and use it whenever your face feels gross. It really works wonders with acne and no sides! :D


Experienced Member
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i wash my face daily with that scrub. It doesn't do jack for me