B12 deficiency


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Hey everyone

I'm relatively new to these boards, after having discovered my hair thinning out recently. I posted my story in the appropriate forum if anyone's interested. No pictures yet though.

Anyway I went to see my doctor about this and a few other things. He did blood tests and told me that I have a B12 deficiency. Does anyone have any experience with this? The thinning's around my crown. I'm pretty suceptible to male pattern baldness, on both sides of my family.

If anyone has any thoughts it would be great to hear them!


p.s. Sorry if I've posted this in the wrong place!


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Since it's your crown that's thinning, I doubt the deficiency is causing your hair loss. It might be accelerating it though. Usually, deficiencies will cause diffuse thinning all over the scalp area. Take B12 supplements and if things don't improve tackle your hair loss the male pattern baldness way. Finasteride,Nizoral shampoo and Rogaine if you are considerably thin.

Good luck!


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After having a closer examination I've noticed a diffuse thinning all over my scalp, not as obvious as on my crown though. Strange thing is I've not noticed any shedding. It's just sort of happened. Even in the shower I'm only losing 20 or so.

I'm giving the B12 a go and have ordered nizoral. I'm somewhat hesitant to order finasteride/Rogaine.

Thanks for the advice by the way!


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I had acute vit b12 deficiency which I found out after 2 years of hair loss. It has been 2 years now since I have been treated for it. My b12 is perfect now but I am still losing some hair. Have diffused thinning and my left side looks worse than the righ (both in temple and sides). It has seem to stabilize now. I loose like 30-40 strands/day.


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Vitamin B12 is a nutrient that is necessary in order to promote hair growth.

Seafood is an excellent source of vitamin B12.

If you can eat a couple of servings of seafood per week, it would be great.


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karl_h said:
Seafood is an excellent source of vitamin B12.

If you can eat a couple of servings of seafood per week, it would be great.

CAUTION: The majority of people with vitamin B12 problems (like people with pernicious anemia) have it NOT because of a dietary lack of the vitamin, they have it because they are unable to absorb the vitamin. To the original poster: what did your doctor tell you to do?