baby's hair!!


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so i was going through my childhood(first 5 6 months) pics and noticed that i would fit perfectly in Norwood 3 scale :p. And i also read somewhere that some babies are born with full hair on their head. Can we construe that the hair that we have as an infant is a projection of what our heads will be like in future as male pattern baldness kicks in. was just wondering!!!


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I've always thought the same thing. For example, my cousin's hair is really thin. When they trimmed it in his first month it took ages to grow back and he has bald grandfathers and a bald dad who started balding in his 20s.

I've also noticed that boys who's families don't have much signs of male pattern baldness seem to be born with much thicker hair.

it does make sense though as around birth and a til the first birthday androgen levels are quite high as the body is trying to help sort out the reproductive system. The levels drop til puberty strikes where the levels shoot up again.


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I would suit this perfectly and to be honest I've thought about this aswell (and maybe even posted about this in the past). I didn't have much hair at all when I was 1 yrs old... I mean I probably had some hair but it was so thin and white that it looked very non-existent. I would love to hear from someone who had very thick hair as a baby but started to bald early on.