Back vs. Top


Senior Member
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Just wondering if the back of your head is a good guage of what the top of your head's density used to be. Like, if I managed to match my top density with my back density (which I feel is achievable at this point) would it be about the same as it was before any hairloss at all? Or is the top naturally thicker than the back usually, or what? I know the sides aren't supposed to be as thick as the top, but what about the back?


Established Member
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i think it is a good indicator yes.. I do remember my hair dresser (when I was a kid) complain that my whole head is like trying to shear weeds. Now, my new hair dresser only complains about the back..


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in most cases i hear that the back of the head is actually slightly denser than the top even before male pattern baldness kicks in, only it's not noticable unless you really compare hair densities.