bad hair transplant at THE HOSPITAL GROUP ENGLAND


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Hi all,im a fool to not have researched enough before commiting myself to a horrendous hair transplant.
i chose THE HOSPITAL GROUP,DOLAN PARK,BROMSGROVE because i got sucked in by there salesman doing me a good deal and no waiting time,i didnt get the alarm bells until it was too late.
they will perform it in a small dingy sweaty room downstairs with 4 staff and old fashioned dissection without all microscopic as they say to you.
you will end up with bad donor scarring as dr.goldstone cant perform the tricho closure properly as he says,
he will give you ridging/cobblestoning as they wont implant proper size graphs in proper holes and youll get like me a dolls head appearance becuse they dont trim down the graphs small and neat,they will rush you to get to do 3 patients in 1 day with 1 surgeon so please DONT GO THERE,MY LIFE IS SHATTERED AND I CANT GO OUT WITHOUT COVERING MY HEAD,
im awaiting repair surgery and lost my money and precious donor hair is wasted as they gave me a density of ONLY 15 GRAPHS PER SQUARE CM and promised 40,they took a big scar out so have damaged many many precious graphs gone forever,PLEASE PLEASE DONT CONSIDET THEM


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My Regimen
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This is sick!
I was considering them a few years ago but decided against it....
Can you not take them to court for this?
These people are sick... :puke:


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Same as what happend to me, (although I used a different UK butchers).
As I keep telling people STAY AWAY FROM THE UK hair transplant CLINICS!!!!!

And sorry to say but the chances of suing these guys are extremely slim and even making a complaint is pretty pointless. These assholes have been butchering people since the 80's and they are still using the same techniques from that era, despite all this they're still in business.
You cant sue them because they're doing what they advertise they're transplanting hair (even though it looks sh*t). And they know that nobody's going to kick up a big fuss publicly because its too humiliating.

Hellojames where are you planning to go for a repair, and what is your situation like (how bald were you)?
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Makes you angry just thinking about it. I would be tempting to book another consultation with hospital group, but go with a gun and knee cap these bastards, no one deserves to be a cripple quite like these scum, who no doubt sleep like babies!

I read on another board that the op is getting a repair in Thailand with Dr Path....something....


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#99 sorry to hear of your experience, it's good of you to post to make others aware, who would have thought that bad work like this still goes on :thumbdown2: Good luck with your repair.


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:sobbing: hi guys first i want to say thanks for any kind words to my bad experience.
im still pretty cut up as it does get you way down having to hide your head everytime you wanna go out and the fact that you have to wait months to get it repaired thats if it can be repaired?
if theres anyone out there who has had same as me and wants to go and demonstrate outside THE HOSPITAL GROUP AT BROMSGROVE and hopefully get newspapers and tv cameras to STOP THEM BUTCHERING OTHERS IM UP FOR IT AND ILL BRING WEAPONS and ill personally drop a big sh*t at their doorstep.
well ive considered farjo,hasson and wong and feller and i cant afford it unfortunately as ill need another 4000 graphs to cover this scalp and to hide the cobblestones/ridging and repair my donor scar,fuckin hell
Dr.Pathomvanich at Bangkok seems to not have a bad word said about him so im going to see him and see what he can do and if i can afford it.


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Got any pics of your situation?


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:shakehead: its obvious to me that your working on behalf of THE HOSPITAL GROUP because you want to know where i am and if i have photos so u can identify me,sorry mate.
if you know about hair transplants then you know what a bad one looks like .


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Err, my photo's are on here if you knew anything about me you'd know that I've been on here for years warning people against using any UK clinics.


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hellojames99 said:
:shakehead: its obvious to me that your working on behalf of THE HOSPITAL GROUP because you want to know where i am and if i have photos so u can identify me,sorry mate.
if you know about hair transplants then you know what a bad one looks like .

really? its OBVIOUS?


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hellojames99 said:
:shakehead: its obvious to me that your working on behalf of THE HOSPITAL GROUP because you want to know where i am and if i have photos so u can identify me,sorry mate.
if you know about hair transplants then you know what a bad one looks like .


With comments like that I'm not at all surprised you got suckered into a bad hair transplant :whistle:
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l was class 6 and had 3800 grafts ,its all down to expectations lm well happy with my end results ,i think its about time you realise people are all different make up some will grow well others wont ,its also down to you if you are in good health not smoking 20 fags a day and drinking 30 pints the weekend you will have a better chance of good growth, and if like me you need coverage you can't expect thick dentisy they are only moving a small amount of hair to a large area ,in my case l had a great result, just a point in most case's its the staff who plant the grafts if they are crap your results will be, if you would like to find out more about my hair transplant e.mail me on gbb-uk@hotmail com if you wish to talk about it e.mail and il give you my m/number only genuine people please


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Dude s.a.f. has been here forever, and he's racked up over 5k in posts. He's not some schill. Probably 3k of those posts were warning of the dangers of UK hair transplant surgeries.

I'm no hair transplant expert, but one surgeon worth considering is Dr Umar in California. He's renowned for good repair jobs, and can turn mangled Norwood 6's with scarring, scalp reductions, temples removed and so into natural looking NW2's. (I don't work for him, if that's what you're thinking).

The main thing I would do in your shoes is avoid repeating the same mistake again. Don't go cheap on this, and don't rush it to get a Doctor fast. I wouldn't advise going to Bangkok. I don't know the surgeons there, but it rings alarm bells (it's Bangkok). If I were you I'd save the money, take your time, and get yourself to a good American hair transplant repair surgeon.
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Boondock said:
Dude s.a.f. has been here forever, and he's racked up over 5k in posts. He's not some schill. Probably 3k of those posts were warning of the dangers of UK hair transplant surgeries.

I'm no hair transplant expert, but one surgeon worth considering is Dr Umar in California. He's renowned for good repair jobs, and can turn mangled Norwood 6's with scarring, scalp reductions, temples removed and so into natural looking NW2's. (I don't work for him, if that's what you're thinking).

The main thing I would do in your shoes is avoid repeating the same mistake again. Don't go cheap on this, and don't rush it to get a Doctor fast. I wouldn't advise going to Bangkok. I don't know the surgeons there, but it rings alarm bells (it's Bangkok). If I were you I'd save the money, take your time, and get yourself to a good American hair transplant repair surgeon.
mate its luck of the draw find me a surgeon that puts all the grafts in him self and il use him
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best-uk-h/t said:
Boondock said:
Dude s.a.f. has been here forever, and he's racked up over 5k in posts. He's not some schill. Probably 3k of those posts were warning of the dangers of UK hair transplant surgeries.

I'm no hair transplant expert, but one surgeon worth considering is Dr Umar in California. He's renowned for good repair jobs, and can turn mangled Norwood 6's with scarring, scalp reductions, temples removed and so into natural looking NW2's. (I don't work for him, if that's what you're thinking).

The main thing I would do in your shoes is avoid repeating the same mistake again. Don't go cheap on this, and don't rush it to get a Doctor fast. I wouldn't advise going to Bangkok. I don't know the surgeons there, but it rings alarm bells (it's Bangkok). If I were you I'd save the money, take your time, and get yourself to a good American hair transplant repair surgeon.
mate its luck of the draw find me a surgeon that puts all the grafts in him self and il use him
you go on about us surgeons theres hundreds of them and loads of bad ones you should read up on the us sites and youll find that out and another thing most of the people who write on these sites are in some way working for commision of surgeons which you must know


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I don't "go on about" US surgeons. It's just a fact that there are no world-class hair transplant surgeons in the UK. There are 9 or 10 such surgeons in the US. Therefore, if you want a world-class procedure, you have to go to the US.

Of course the majority of US docs are still below-par. I'm not telling you to fly out and hold out a placard saying "take me to a hair transplant surgeon, asap." I'm asking you to do your research and find someone good there. The costs of flights and accommodation are negligible to the overall cost, and more importantly negligible to the difference in quality you'll get.
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Boondock said:
I don't "go on about" US surgeons. It's just a fact that there are no world-class hair transplant surgeons in the UK. There are 9 or 10 such surgeons in the US. Therefore, if you want a world-class procedure, you have to go to the US.

Of course the majority of US docs are still below-par. I'm not telling you to fly out and hold out a placard saying "take me to a hair transplant surgeon, asap." I'm asking you to do your research and find someone good there. The costs of flights and accommodation are negligible to the overall cost, and more importantly negligible to the difference in quality you'll get.
ok then how would you know who's a good surgeon for you or not, this is about individuals my hair will be totaly different to yours in gentic make up so how can you generalise,you might have 2000 grafts and only lose 5 % l could have the 2000 grafts and lose 60% and l did 5 years reasarch thanks and i doubt l could of had a better result anywhere else than here , why dont you point out that most clinics in the usa are franchises and that means mcdonalds to me fast turn over,l will say it again show me a surgeon that puts all 2000 to 5000 grafts into your scalp himself (strip method )l will use his clinic,have you got any names for me???