Bad News For Replicel


Established Member
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I don't think you know what short interest is. This was just saying that people have COVERED there shorts, meaning most investors don't believe it will fall much further. Replicel's stock price falling isn't 'news', it's been happening for a while. I suspect that it is because people mainly bought into it because it was 'The cure for male pattern baldness', but with the terrible transparency and delays, I suspect many saw it as a bad sign. Anyway, as I said in another thread, there has been an increase in insider buying which is generally seen as a good thing.

I wouldn't put too much stock in its stock price. Better to wait for data from its clinical trials. Some would disagree though
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Established Member
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I agree. At this point the stock price doesn't matter they still haven't started Phase 2 in Germany. The longer they wait the harder it is going to be to attract future investors.


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My Regimen
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I agree... I mean these financial speculations... Bit irrelevant to me. A multi billion company as Allergan took up bimatoprost, yet couldn't outperform minoxidil. While a chinese genius somewhere with no money at hand develops a method that will probably challenge CRISPR.

As long as Shisheido moves forward, that's all that matters imo. To me personally they still have the most exciting method, and could achieve great things.

The interview with @hellouser was also a relief imo as they just spoke very grounded straight to earth.

Plus it's short term. As long as they have approval and it work's we'll possibly have this in the near future.