bad night


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so its been a while since I seen a lot of my "friends" and a few days ago my buddy had a get together with all of us. I couldn't help but notice how all my old chaps had thick hair with NW1 hairlines. It's frustrating because these kids have no concern for their health. They smoke cigarettes every 2 minutes eat fast food for every meal and over all just don't take care of themselves yet they have perfect hair. The worst part of the night was when everyone was outside and it got a little quiet and for no reason my one "friend" just blurts out "DAMN DUDE YOUR BALDING PRETTY BAD!" followed with a "my grandpas got his hair still hope that sh!t doesn't happened to me." Needless to say I left soon after that.


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so its been a while since I seen a lot of my "friends" and a few days ago my buddy had a get together with all of us. I couldn't help but notice how all my old chaps had thick hair with NW1 hairlines. It's frustrating because these kids have no concern for their health. They smoke cigarettes every 2 minutes eat fast food for every meal and over all just don't take care of themselves yet they have perfect hair. The worst part of the night was when everyone was outside and it got a little quiet and for no reason my one "friend" just blurts out "DAMN DUDE YOUR BALDING PRETTY BAD!" followed with a "my grandpas got his hair still hope that sh!t doesn't happened to me." Needless to say I left soon after that.

Privileged fullheads don't give a shit. Classic case of the positional good theory.


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Dude, this is my effing life. The punchline of every joke. Don't let them get to you, one day they will have something happen to them and you'll be in their position looking in with the way they treat themselves.

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and how old are you btw?


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Thanks man I appreciate the advice. I'm 21.

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I agree with you fred I would have gladly taken the punch over the comment lol

Abu Hairy Al-Forhedi

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This is what pisses me off.. Like I dont know my hair looks like crap.. There is always some Einstein that points that out, just to make you feel like **** and him to feel better about himself. Its like cuckold, empowerment. Basically, humans are no better than dogs. Power, weakness, empowerment..


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No no no, the ABSOLUTE worst is when you're at a party and it's full of guys with great long hair, and sweet haircuts talking to all the hot girls...and i'm just standing there with my bald *** f***ing head hating my life. If there is already a cure out there and they aren't releasing it for whatever reason, I say we team up and break into the lab and get it lol


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No no no, the ABSOLUTE worst is when you're at a party and it's full of guys with great long hair, and sweet haircuts talking to all the hot girls...and i'm just standing there with my bald *** f***ing head hating my life. If there is already a cure out there and they aren't releasing it for whatever reason, I say we team up and break into the lab and get it lol

Go visit the Technical University in Berlin and speak to Dr. Roland Lauster's team. There's your cure... being held hostage. (not kidding, cure is there but investors dont care).


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it always comes down to the moolah man. with male pattern baldness being such an epidemic worldwide you think we could get some kind of fund going to get the cure out. I guess at the end of the day people just really don't give a ****

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No no no, the ABSOLUTE worst is when you're at a party and it's full of guys with great long hair, and sweet haircuts talking to all the hot girls...and i'm just standing there with my bald *** f***ing head hating my life. If there is already a cure out there and they aren't releasing it for whatever reason, I say we team up and break into the lab and get it lol

dude I know what ur saying half the girls I know too are hairdressers so their always talking to my buddies about what style/cut would look good on them and im just standing there like yeeeeep.....


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^Sure.... but then why did the investors reject Dr. Lauster's cure?

It's baldness after all, not a cancer cure, nobody cares about men's health so there you have it. Despite the fact that a baldness cure would rake in hundreds of millions of dollars if not billions GLOBALLY.


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I agree hellouser. a cure would rake in a lot of dough. People are always gunna go bald unless some scientist finds a way to program a baby's genes while still in the womb. but until then people will continue to suffer from hairloss and im pretty sure if there was a legit cure people would keep buying it to get their hair back.


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Well just about an incident yesterday... (Seems like I'm having depressing incidents and observations more and more as I lose hair) one of my gym buddy's dad who also comes to the gym and is like 56 years old and NW2 is chatting up this 20 year old chick I've been eyeing ever since she joined. Like she's pretty hot and I've always wanted to talk to her but as of recently hair loss has completely destroyed my confidence. This old man with his reasonably thick grey hair gets to chat up girls me in my 20s can't do it with girls my age. Well male pattern baldness is as good as it gets.

BTW the cure thing people are talking about is pure bull****. There's no way a cure which was fully proven and ready wouldn't get investors. The reason we aren't finding a cure is because there's no funding done into the research because it's a complex problem and research costs are very high with high chances of being fruitless. Besides the cost of hair loss research is probably higher than the benefit that pharmas get from finasteride and min. We will not have a cure for the next 10 years at least and that I'm sure of.


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Well just about an incident yesterday... (Seems like I'm having depressing incidents and observations more and more as I lose hair) one of my gym buddy's dad who also comes to the gym and is like 56 years old and NW2 is chatting up this 20 year old chick I've been eyeing ever since she joined. Like she's pretty hot and I've always wanted to talk to her but as of recently hair loss has completely destroyed my confidence. This old man with his reasonably thick grey hair gets to chat up girls me in my 20s can't do it with girls my age. Well male pattern baldness is as good as it gets.

BTW the cure thing people are talking about is pure bull****. There's no way a cure which was fully proven and ready wouldn't get investors. The reason we aren't finding a cure is because there's no funding done into the research because it's a complex problem and research costs are very high with high chances of being fruitless. Besides the cost of hair loss research is probably higher than the benefit that pharmas get from finasteride and min. We will not have a cure for the next 10 years at least and that I'm sure of.

oh well good thing im still young and my hairloss though bad isn't going to make me slick bald for at least hopefully another 10-20 years, so 10 - 20 years from now is ok. Considerin that I'll be on finasteride 4 lyfe, and gonna get FUE transplant and SMP, it'll be ok.

But what people were saying earlier about being at parties with lots of guys wth good hair/hot girls out and about really does suck for your conidence.


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oh well good thing im still young and my hairloss though bad isn't going to make me slick bald for at least hopefully another 10-20 years, so 10 - 20 years from now is ok. Considerin that I'll be on finasteride 4 lyfe, and gonna get FUE transplant and SMP, it'll be ok.

Haha well 10 years is a guarantee. 20 years is also highly unlikely although possible. 30-50 years sounds slightly reasonable. 50-80 years is where I'd put my money on. So say I should be 70 by then best case. I'll get all that lovely hair and go out picking up chicks all over the place while I struggle to prevent my dick from shriveling into a date leave alone try and get an erection. Until then I'll just check out of society and live like a hermit :D

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Hmm .. I just typed that and another thought came to me. I think we should consider ourselves lucky in this matter. Assuming hair loss research began somewhere in the 70s or 80s I'm quite sure even then they were like "we've found the reason and now we're working on a cure so we should be there in about 5-10 years". All those young bald/ing men in their 20s and 30s must have had such great hope in their hearts. Only to keep waiting and waiting and waiting ..... until today or until their deaths. Sounds quite disheartening and scary isn't it.

At least we've heard and witness these bull**** statements for years and now know that whatever scientists say is just bull**** and don't need to develop false hopes.

But don't you worry child ... a few months back they said they'll have a cure in 5 years. We'll all have full heads of hair soon! Yipeeee!!!!


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Go visit the Technical University in Berlin and speak to Dr. Roland Lauster's team. There's your cure... being held hostage. (not kidding, cure is there but investors dont care).

This relates to what I've been talking about for years. hair transplant doctors or various other players in the hair loss industry will spout things like "if there was a cure, it would be all over the news, TV, etc.", basically in their attempts to preserve the status quo of limited hair loss treatments. But this is not always the case, as demonstrated. Lauster's method would essentially be a cure for most hair loss sufferers yet there is barely any kind of mention of it by any media source.


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See there are thousands of people and companies after a cure for Hairloss because it will make them multi billionaires overnight. Even if they get it patented for 1 year they'd make enough to support 3 or 4 generations of descendants a lavish life.

That being said it doesn't mean that any Tom Dick and Harry claiming to have a cure will get financed. Hairloss treatments/cures research is a very expensive thing to fund with limited or no benefits. If he had a sure shot 90% success rate cure then people would all over him willing to suck his dick so that he could take their money. He is obviously as far as anyone from a cure and that's why no one is willing to fund him.

It's not about priorities of research, men's health or whatever the hell you guys think. From a mere business perspective even if I was a rich NW1 guy I'd fund any person who had a sure shot effective cure for baldness any damn day because of the returns it would generate.


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me and my girlfirend went out the other night, at some point we went to buy take-away junk food of sort, anyways, when i asked for the item
(baked toast i think) the guy said something along the lines "you should take that instead (points on some other **** they sell there), it will grow your hair back" i answerd:"no thanks, ill have my baldnedd with the huge dick i got" my girlfirend smiled and said to the guy who tried to insult me "he is right he actually does have a huge dick"..
i guess it all depend how you handle the situtation.


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Yet another example of how we get ****ted on just in our every day lives.


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I would have loved my gf to death if she said something like that (and if I had one lol). ****ing assholes try and pull the baldness card everywhere they can. Piece of **** take away restaurant attendant showing attitude. I'd be like why don't you kill yourself to escape from the fact that you're working at a takeaway restaurant and have no future .. and now you have to take **** from me.

Nevertheless you handled that well. We all need to stand up to discrimination like this.


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This guy is probably still a virgin. Shoulda told him to watch his *** as you know where the fuqkin looser works.


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me and my girlfirend went out the other night, at some point we went to buy take-away junk food of sort, anyways, when i asked for the item
(baked toast i think) the guy said something along the lines "you should take that instead (points on some other **** they sell there), it will grow your hair back" i answerd:"no thanks, ill have my baldnedd with the huge dick i got" my girlfirend smiled and said to the guy who tried to insult me "he is right he actually does have a huge dick"..
i guess it all depend how you handle the situtation.

If that story is true I would have laughed at him working at a fast food place, then had him fired, THEN laughed at him for being unemployed