Bad shed and sides from finasteride - accelerated balding


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I am 29 and have been receding in my temple region for about 5-6 years. I have never treated it with anything other than Nizoral.

In March I made the biggest mistake of my life. I started taking finasteride 1,25 mg in the hope of getting som thicker hair on my front. The result? I shedded like crazy and the front of my head got like 50% thinner. I then started experiencing erectile problems, depression and anxiety so I promptly went of the drug. The shedding continued at an incredible rate. In total, I was on Finasteride for about two months.

Then in august I made the very foolish decision to start taking Finasteride again after getting comments from my family about my obvious thinning. So I stayed on finasteride for about 4 weeks and during this time I developed incredibly oily face, hair on my hands and fingers. And the depression and anxiety came back.

So now I have been off for about three weeks and my body hair continues to grow wild, my hair keeps thinning at an alarming rate and I can clearly se that I have developed the classic MBP pattern.

Have any of you experienced this? What do I do? I live in Sweden and can not get a hold of RU, spironolactone or any other topical. Did anyone experience the same thing and did your hair recover? I am so incredibly stressed out about this and I am just waiting for the resurge of DHT to take care of the last remaining hair follicles.

Desperate for help!
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Hey man I feel your pain....when I started taking finasteride all I had was a little temple recession so I got scared and hopped on finasteride. Since starting I shed crazy amount of hair. Everytime I even touch my hair it falls out. I got an oily forhead which I've never had and my head itches like crazy regardless of using nizoral. I'm so desperate for the hair to stop but I just don't know anymore.


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You can get spironolactone and RU in the EU and thus in Sweden.

Sorry I can't help you more, but keep in mind that your health - physically as well as mentally - are the most important thing. Nobody worries about your hair as much as you do, keep that in mind. Fighting hair loss is not worth risking far worse than that.