bad sides on 1.25mg, will will 1/2 that mg still have same?


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i was on it a year or so ago at 1.25/day now i realize there is nothing better treatment wise comming along. i stopped due to sever side immediately (like first week) if i take 1.25 every other day do you think that would still be benificial w/less sides??? thx for your help. :lol:


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How severe were your sides? I had nut ache and limp dick about 2 weeks in and then they subsided. For some the body adjusts to the drug slowly and violently making it to painful to actually take, for some there are no issues, and for others there are mild sides that fade after a month or so. If you are serious about trying it again why not start off gradually with a low dosage and slowly increase it until you either start having sides again or get to 1mg and feel fine.


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i lost some major sex drive and felt very tired/cloudy :cry: like immediately, it scared the sh*t out of me so i stopped treatment. it took me a month or so to get back to normal, what do you guys think?


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cruiser said:
i lost some major sex drive and felt very tired/cloudy :cry: like immediately, it scared the $#iT out of me so i stopped treatment. it took me a month or so to get back to normal, what do you guys think?

This is exactly what happened to me.... exactly. It's a strange feeling having your prostate start shrinking, and all the side effects associated with it being smaller. For me, after the third month on Finasteride things started returning to normal. I've since reduced my dosage to .50mg and suffer minimal side effects.