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I am 20 now and am completely bald. Add to this my pale skin and slight furrows in my scalp, and all you get is one low self esteem.

My hair started thinning when i was 16. I instantly started getting laughed at for it at school. Went to the doctor to get an opinion, and he said "you just have male pattern baldness, sorry". Up until i was 18, i could just about hide my thinning hair by having it styled at an expensive barbers. Then it got so thin i had to shave it off. At the age of 18 that makes you feel sick; to know you will never see your hair again and that until you die you'll just be a shaved baldie.

Anyway, im now 20, and im still upset about it. I'm a little more matter-of-fact about it now; i just get up in the morning, shave my head and look at myself in the mirror and feel sh*t. Then I head out to lectures, safe to say im the only 'kid' at university with a bald head. I dont feel the same age as them. I feel like im middle aged; i certainly don't feel like i'm in the prime of my youth, which really i know i am. All i think about when im walking around is how crap i must look. Feels like my young days are over.

And then i remember that i've been depressed since i was just 16 because of this and it makes me realise just how fed up i am. I envy people who can go outside without feeling sh*t about the way they look.


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outch dude :( thats brutal, i feel for you.
hopefully something will coe out when your done with school.


Established Member
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Sorry to here that dude.
Being completely bald at such a young age definitely strikes down your confidence. The only advice I can offer is to try and 'mould' your mind into not feeling this way about your appearance. I know it's hard, but if you devote some extra time every day to try and not see it all in a negative light, I'm sure there'll be some positive difference.

I've actually seen this bald guy around my university, he's definitely gotta be around the early 20's age bracket, but I usually always see him with a group of people and he seems cool about it. Then again at university, if you show yourself to be someone who's intelligent and gets good grades, then naturally people will gravitate towards you.


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I know how you feel. I started losing my hair at the age of 17 and it was traumatic, to say the least.


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Belmondo said:
I know how you feel. I started losing my hair at the age of 17 and it was traumatic, to say the least.

You don't know how he feels at all. You're only a norwood 2 and you're 30.


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Yeah cracks me up when people say that but what they really mean is 'I got a mature hairline at 17'.

I was visibly balding at 19 but in my experience being actually bald at 26 if far worse than being slightly bald at 19.


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I know how it feels bud,

One day I went to the bathroom after taking a shower looked at myself in the mirror under a bright fluorescent light, pulled my hair back and saw my hair receding at the age of 16, Was merely in gr.16... dealing with a bit over a mature hair line.

I'm 20 years old like you now... With an inch 3/4 of inch reeceding temples both sides.. Luckily Im taking finasteride + minioxidol + im taking nioxin shampoo+ conditioner for my DHT.. this keeps my hair relatively thick not to mention I grab moose to thicken my hair.. so it looks rele thick, im able to cover my hair line and nobody can tell. The funny thing is, my temples are receding in by a alot.. but still i pull it off..

If your like me; take these options min + propecia.. and if it's really bad get a hair system and cut the temples out to match your own, this is what Im going to do soon.

People can be cruel.. but it's all about confidence my main man, if you let it hurt you, assholes will destroy you. Keep you chin up, Go to the gym lift weights, practice new routines to keep your mind straight.

Listen I'm insecure at times also, it's the times when you let sh*t hurt you that people bring you down.. when your in your early years.


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I really do not think people who are not balding realize how this can utterly destroy someone. Everyone has their trials in life but going bald in your late teens early 20's cannot be even remotely compared to begin balding in your 50's or 60's. My advice is find a woman who does not care about your hairloss and keep in good shape and treat her like she deserves. People that seriously ridicule you about your hair are not worth your time and people who are will know not to bring it up very much.