Bald is beautiful, rich is better


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"Being follically challenged, one must wonder what goes on in the minds of men.

While hair loss in women can be disastrous, either through disease or genetics, wigs for women are acceptable.

Hair loss for men seems to be the end of their world as their insecurity gets the best of them, with women who yearn for that healthy head of hair. Never has it been so clear than in Vancouver, a city that prides itself on appearance and wealth and hopefully both twains shall meet. If not, wealth will do fine, thank you, at least you would think so.


Many of our Entertainment Icons past and present covered up their shiny domes with various Hair Pieces (Wigs) or Hair Systems (Expensive Rugs) in order to capture their waning youth and keep in the limelight.

The snickering public on the other hand call them toupees, carpets, rugs or roadkill. Robin Williams said it best to one patron in an audience, Hey is that wavy hair or hair waving?

Many late night infomercials prey mercilessly on men's insecurity with bald or thinning hair, everything from subtle references such as loser to unmanly.

One infomerical has this sad sack of a guy stating, before I got a hairsystem (Rug), I couldn't meet a woman, I had no confidence, then I went to Hair Guy company, got a hair system (RUG) and a day later full of confidence, I met my future supermodel wife, got married and we have a beautiful (bald) baby, I am so happy, the man sniffles tearfully, and say "Thanks Hair guy".

You know, watching this, I guarantee you there are millions of men, who wanted to serverely slap this wimp upside his "carpeted head".

In a youth orientated society today, aging Entertainers, desperate to cling onto their dying youth, believe their crowning mane is their meal ticket and not their talent. It's nice to know Entertainers suffer the insecurities most of us have today, despite their millions of adoring fans.

Though it is said some women prefer what's in your wallet than what's on your head, hairs nice, but greens nicer, both are preferable. (I think it's a Sex and the City reference)

Some Balding men take to the gym to compensate for their lost mane of glory, thinking the ladies will not notice their lack of hair.

Some Entertainers in music and movies wear the “Carpetâ€￾ and feel no one knows they are as bald as the day they were born.

Balding Country Stars just wear a Cowboy Hat 24/7 and the Public will never see them without it, though, apparently Rene Zellweger reportedly did on her honeymoon, resulting in a quickie divorce from her just newlywed Country Singer hubbie Kenny Chesney. Nice to see shallowness is alive and well.

Bruce Willis, balding since Moonlighting, tried various carpets until it is said he decided to go au natural once he scored Hottie Demi Moore.

It is said in the early 1970’s Macho Guy Burt Reynolds actually cried like a baby in the shower as he watched his hair go down the drain, inconsolable Burt resigned himself to visit Carpets R Us with his Buddy Clint Eastwood, who Burt envied for his Real Hair, most likely still to this day.

Captain Kirk's William Shatner has been the butt of many jokes over his pate for decades and takes it in stride. Howie Mandel shaved his hair all off and ended up back in the spotlight working after a long dry spell of sitting at home waiting for the phone to ring.

Yet many never realize some balding entertainers and men in general who actually gained more attention, either by women, or fans and better roles because of their lack of hair.

In ending, is it not what’s on top that matters is what’s under that chrome dome, of course money can be a great equalizer with the ladies it seems."

Source: ... -is-better

How much have you lowered your standards since you suffered hair loss? I admit I am willing to date less attractive women nowadays. Is money the magic bullet?


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I've basically abolished my standards since hair loss, and have accepted that since bald people are considered UnPeople we can't really be picky anymore.

somone uk

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toocoolforhair said:
very rich man, nearly dead
woman who marries him ----> next of kin
man dies (soon)
woman becomes rich

i'll call it anna nicole smithing


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Yeah, wealthy guys can score hot chicks easily.
Hot chicks that'll likely be rude and prudish to the lucky NW6.

We all know how relationships like that work. (she becomes rather good friends with the poolboy)