bald patch in my beard


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ok, I know this is a strange post....but i need to know if anyone else has had this happen. just for background, i've been on propecia and nizoral for over a year + 3 mos now

about 2 months ago i woke up and noticed a large bald patch in my beard under my chin (almost a perfect oval the size of a nickel). i went to the doctor and he said it was a case of alopecia (where my skin was attacking the hair follicles). He treated me with cortisone shots 1x a month for two months. It seemed to get better, but now the bald patch is back again.

I talked to a bunch of family members about this, and none of them have ever had it. Anyone on the board experience this?

The only thing I can add is i've been under a bit of stress lately, but I can't say that is the reason. Perhaps the propecia is doing it? what the hell is going on? it looks retarded.

too bald too furious

Experienced Member
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Seems like a case of alopecia areata in the beard. But one this is for sure, it definitely is not because of propecia. It seems that ppl hv got a habit of blaming everything on propecia these days. Sorry dude, I dont have any idea what can help. Perhaps a doctor is the best person to speak about that. :roll:


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nexus81 said:
Seems like a case of alopecia areata in the beard. But one this is for sure, it definitely is not because of propecia. It seems that ppl hv got a habit of blaming everything on propecia these days. Sorry dude, I dont have any idea what can help. Perhaps a doctor is the best person to speak about that. :roll:

Yes, I agree its some form of Alopecia. But why? I only say a possibility is the Propecia, b/c that is the only major change I've had in my life over the last year. If you woke up and saw a huge bald patch on your skin, you would probably assume the same thing.

Anyone else have/had this issue?


New Member
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yeah, i've been on Propecia for a couple months now too and i just noticed a patch of my beard the size of half a dime is just not growing. i also suspected Propecia b/c there hasn't been any other major change in my life. hmmmmm...


Senior Member
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I have the exact same thing in the same place. Since my beard hair is not super coarse, it doesn't look too weird. I'm pretty sure I've had it pre-finasteride. It's not too important of a thing; taking cortisone shots for it is just crazy.
