Balding clerk's fear gets the better of him


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A balding bank clerk who stole $43 000 (about R300 000) from a client's account in Hong Kong to pay for expensive hair-loss treatment was in custody Thursday after pleading guilty to theft.

Alex Chan, 32, stole the money because he was terrified of going bald and had already racked up debts of more than $16 000 on anti-balding treatments.

According to testimony at a court hearing Wednesday, Chan's fear of hair loss drove him to steal money from a dormant bank account at DBS, where he worked, to pay off his debt and seek further treatment.

Defence lawyer David Boyton told Hong Kong's Eastern Court that Chan committed the crime out of "vanity, not greed," and appealed for him to be spared a lengthy jail term.

Chan, who has since paid back all the money he stole, was remanded in custody until May 17 when he is scheduled to be sentenced, Thursday's South China Morning Post reported.

Magistrate William Ng called for a psychological report on Chan's fear of hair loss to be prepared before he decides how to punish him. It was not clear if the hair-loss treatments had been effective.

Hair-loss treatments are popular among Hong Kong men who have seen rates of baldness climb sharply in recent years because of stressful work environments and unhealthy lifestyles.


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tembo said:
Hair-loss treatments are popular among Hong Kong men who have seen rates of baldness climb sharply in recent years because of stressful work environments and unhealthy lifestyles.

Really? Not because of genes?


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I know.


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If only he knew about this website.... btw, are ppl in China able to view websites such as this? I know they have some sort of internet filter going on there.


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if i was the judge in this case, i would sentence young alex to 5 years...

of wig wearing and 2 hours daily study of ' the rants of ccs'


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gsxr60097 said:
neo1234 said:
its a crazy story. must have been embarassing for him.

not more embarrasing than hairloss...

What the hell are you talking about?

That was 10 times more embarrasing than hair loss.


RaginDemon said:
gsxr60097 said:
neo1234 said:
its a crazy story. must have been embarassing for him.

not more embarrasing than hairloss...

What the hell are you talking about?

That was 10 times more embarrasing than hair loss.

yeah seriously, wtf?

now everyone who reads it knows he is bald, and on top of that, knows that he did this.


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JayMan said:
RaginDemon said:
gsxr60097 said:
neo1234 said:
its a crazy story. must have been embarassing for him.

not more embarrasing than hairloss...

What the hell are you talking about?

That was 10 times more embarrasing than hair loss.

yeah seriously, wtf?

now everyone who reads it knows he is bald, and on top of that, knows that he did this.

His career is over, his life is pretty much doom. I feel pity for him as I know how tough it is to deal with hairloss but it was still inexcusable for him to commit a crime like that. With such overwhelming stress, his hair will be falling out in a much more rapid rate. :(


now he comes in prison and cant use hairloss treatments anymore.

i guess that will be hurt him much more than that he must go to prison. :roll: