Balding Forever

costas the loser

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Does anyone really think there will be any kind of cure or solution to hairloss in our lifetime(I'm 30) and from all that i have read a don't see that happening. I'm on Propecia and have been for about 2 years and at the most it has slowed down the progression but nothing I would jump and down about. I'm Ok with that but it seems we hope for something that never will happen. Even in George Lucas mind there are still bald guys in way future. Anyway not trying to be a jerk or anything just thought maybe someone has some secret information that proves me wrong.


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Hahaha thats funny.

Why don't you be a champ and humor all of us by letting us know your secret info.

The Gardener

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Well, then it wouldn't be a secret anymore, would it? :p

Just kidding. I know naaaahthing. But methinks stem cells and/or genetic therapy would probably be the only true solutions. If they could engineer our follicles to NOT be susceptible to DHT, then we might be onto something. Then again, there might be side effects... instead of worrying about maintaining hair on our heads, we might instead be worrying about our pubes receeding or falling out.


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I think only 2 areas are of significant research and hope for us losing hair! Problem is that I think these Marvels of Science are more than 10 years away from even initial comercial application. Could be even more!

1. Cloning / multiplication whatever eventually it will be called is promising and will be required to take physical trauma (hair transplantation) in order for it to take! Even if this works, who is to say that hair will not fall out still.. but if you have an unlimited supply then I guess it wont matter!

2. Stem cell research or DNA research in discovering modulators in hair loss and ones oil/ skin and immune system connection! As many of you know that most of us losing hair have dandruff (dermatitis) and oily skin for a long time and our skins inability to fight infection is the key to research in this field and a possible cure from a genetic level.


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pubes? we don't need no stinking pubes!


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I think scientists should somehow work on something that makes your DHT attack your back hair follicles...who needs back hair?


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there will also be some cool treatments available in the next years. But for bald heads hair multiplication will be the only option.



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I want to be able to order designer hair and have THAT duplicated onto my scalp. My hair was never good anyway... I'd like to have someone else's.

Green Soap

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I hate to say this but I predict that Hair Cloning is going to be VASTLY more expensive than a hair Transplant.

Hair Transplant ( a GOOD ONE ) = taking hair from part of your head and planting on to another part, with some follow up visits to make sure okay

$5000 or more depending on severity of hairloss. $2500 for a hairline job or thereabouts (but you'll need more later as your loss continues)

Hair Cloning.


taking some of your hair..... cloning it in a lab by highly paid technicians in an absolutely bleeding edge technology. having technicians grow and multiply the hair in the lab, requiring TIME and $$$MONEY$$$ (LAB COSTS, OVERHEAD, ETC)...and THEN having surgery to place the hair in your head.

Think about it guys, hair cloning will be the answer, yes, but you'd better not be a broke *** sucker, making $40,000 a year. You won't be able to afford it. It will be like trying to buy a Corvette Z06. Good luck.

The Gardener

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Eh, I believe the day will come when we will be able to buy hair by the pallet at Home Depot. They'll keep it right next to the lawn sod.

Wouldn't that be awesome? Sheds?!?... who said sheds?!?.. and why worry? I got another pallet in the garage I can roll on if the sh*t gets thin.