Balding from the sides?


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Alright i dont get it im balder then anyone on here it seems alot of u guys have a damn good amount of hair i'm way too thin to be 21. Also I'm geting thin around the sides is that normal? Could it be more then male pattern baldness? Should i go to a doctor?


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oni said:
Go to a doctor.

X2 or a dermatologist which is a doctor that specialises in hair and skin.


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I went to my dermatologist all he did was look at my hair and said it was thining and put me on propecia all he did was touch my scalp ;D.

So i dunno

Armando Jose

Senior Member
My Regimen
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Your dermatologist apply for a blood work?

If not, what a good specialist, only touch your scalp and make a diagnostic.!!

On the other hand, in my opinion, thinning around the sides is not related to common baldness.



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I just visited the Doctor today to get some blood work done. It isnt completely normal to thin all over your scalp. My hair has been thinning for 3 + years, but in no particular pattern. All my hair is thinner, not just the top in the typical horseshoe pattern.

Go get bloodwork and check for thyroid, dht levels, and other immune diseases.