Balding Is A Lack Of Pregnenolone Anyone Knows This!


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Clearly the reason men bald after a certain time is loss of "pregnenolone". Males start to lose production of this hormone after 20-25 years old and then all hell hits the fan. Pregnenolone blocks DHT when your young via its conversion into progesterone, which blocks DHT and estrogen in males. When you start to lose production of pregnenolone, DHT rises massively and thats why you get ear, nose hair and balding when you get older. Young people produce massive amounts of pregnenolone which turns into DHEA which keeps testosterone high, this is why men also lose erections and sex drive as they age because no DHEA can be made, due to lack of pregnenolone. take sublingual pregnenolone if you want to have a a better chance of keeping your hair, doctors know this is how you age from lack of both natural hormones, but cant patent them as they are natural. Baldness isnt because of high testosterone levels, its do do with a lack of it! Dht and estrogen takes its place because not enough pregnenolone or dhea is being made. Its as simple as that folks! Now im not saying that taking pregnenolone will suddenly magic "lost hair" back, because the lack of those hormones for so long will probably not acheive it. But if i was to hazard a good bet, it would be to take pregnenolone when your age 25+ for life and i bet more people keep there hair.


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Yup, this is probably not far from the truth.

Samuel Teixeira

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Clearly the reason men bald after a certain time is loss of "pregnenolone". Males start to lose production of this hormone after 20-25 years old and then all hell hits the fan. Pregnenolone blocks DHT when your young via its conversion into progesterone, which blocks DHT and estrogen in males. When you start to lose production of pregnenolone, DHT rises massively and thats why you get ear, nose hair and balding when you get older. Young people produce massive amounts of pregnenolone which turns into DHEA which keeps testosterone high, this is why men also lose erections and sex drive as they age because no DHEA can be made, due to lack of pregnenolone. take sublingual pregnenolone if you want to have a a better chance of keeping your hair, doctors know this is how you age from lack of both natural hormones, but cant patent them as they are natural. Baldness isnt because of high testosterone levels, its do do with a lack of it! Dht and estrogen takes its place because not enough pregnenolone or dhea is being made. Its as simple as that folks! Now im not saying that taking pregnenolone will suddenly magic "lost hair" back, because the lack of those hormones for so long will probably not acheive it. But if i was to hazard a good bet, it would be to take pregnenolone when your age 25+ for life and i bet more people keep there hair.
Are you taking pregnenolone ? Did you have results with your hair ? How much are you taking ?
I have been reading about pregnenolone based on Dr. Ray Peat’s work. I bought and started taking 50mgs a day (Swanson’s pregnenolone) not specifically for hair, but I am curious about your post as I am in the initial stages of hair loss.
Your feedback would be appreciated


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I call bullshit, DHT is highest when you're a teen and that's when your libido is the highest as well, yet you say this is when we have the highest pregnenolone which blocks DHT. So if pregnenolone goes down with age DHT should become even more active and people should become more androgenic and have a higher libido with time but the DHT level also drops with age and people are generally less sexually active as they get older, so the hair loss should slow down yet it doesn't.

My libido is awful right now and I'm still balding. I've taken pregnenolone up to 200 mg, and it made me very happy, but didn't do sh*t for my hair, and if you take too much it's mostly going to convert into estrogen and you don't want that (for general health anyway).

Besides, progesterone is a far stronger antagonist of DHT than pregnenolone.


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Clearly the reason men bald after a certain time is loss of "pregnenolone". Males start to lose production of this hormone after 20-25 years old and then all hell hits the fan. Pregnenolone blocks DHT when your young via its conversion into progesterone, which blocks DHT and estrogen in males. When you start to lose production of pregnenolone, DHT rises massively and thats why you get ear, nose hair and balding when you get older. Young people produce massive amounts of pregnenolone which turns into DHEA which keeps testosterone high, this is why men also lose erections and sex drive as they age because no DHEA can be made, due to lack of pregnenolone. take sublingual pregnenolone if you want to have a a better chance of keeping your hair, doctors know this is how you age from lack of both natural hormones, but cant patent them as they are natural. Baldness isnt because of high testosterone levels, its do do with a lack of it! Dht and estrogen takes its place because not enough pregnenolone or dhea is being made. Its as simple as that folks! Now im not saying that taking pregnenolone will suddenly magic "lost hair" back, because the lack of those hormones for so long will probably not acheive it. But if i was to hazard a good bet, it would be to take pregnenolone when your age 25+ for life and i bet more people keep there hair.

I dont know. male pattern baldness is so complicated id say at best your part right. How do you raise pregnenolone?
We have known the negative effects of androgens for what 50 years? Taking the theory, and turning that into a concrete substance that substantially helps the problem with proof is where most of the theories tend to fall apart. Theory into practice is the giant leap of faith that is so important yet oh so hard. Its like saying building a road is easy its just mixing some asphalt and laying it down, but actually doing it entails much much more work


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If it were that simple I'm sure researchers would have noticed.