Balding or just cowlick, male 29 yrs


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Hello, do think, that this balding or just cowlick?

1_optimized (1).jpg


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@Yog It is just a double hair whorl. Same as when you posted years ago. Google “ double hair whorl” and “double hair crown” and you’ll see many examples. You can actually see the whorl pattern in each or your hair whorls

When you combine dark hair with light skin, hair whorls can be very prominent.


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@Yog It is just a double hair whorl. Same as when you posted years ago. Google “ double hair whorl” and “double hair crown” and you’ll see many examples. You can actually see the whorl pattern in each or your hair whorls

When you combine dark hair with light skin, hair whorls can be very prominent.
It looks really thin at the top of the supposed whorl. I think it is at least starting to be an incipient bald spot. The hair in the area is matted. Maybe it's both plus many of us if we ask enough will finally land on the male pattern baldness yes, space.


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Early male pattern baldness


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Thank you for your answers.
I can send another picture, where my hairs are combed in the direction of growth. What do you think? (chci si být jistý, než začnu brát nějaké léky :D ) thx


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I have a double crown. That’s definitely early thinning.


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@Yog I personally see a normal double crown. You hair was like that at 22 and is the same at 29. In my experience hair loss that starts a 22 would have been aggressive and you’d have a lot less hair by now.

The hair looks perfectly healthy and scalp is only visible where the hair changes direction. Plus a light scalp will contrast hard against dark hair and the camera exposure on a phone will pick this up more.

However, you know your hair better than anyone and if you believe it has changed see a dermatologist.


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@Yog, you definitely have a double crown. That can coz the hair separation. As I look at the hairs coming out if your scalp, they seen lighter in color and texture. Its hard to say, but thinning could be starting.


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@Yog I personally see a normal double crown. You hair was like that at 22 and is the same at 29. In my experience hair loss that starts a 22 would have been aggressive and you’d have a lot less hair by now.

The hair looks perfectly healthy and scalp is only visible where the hair changes direction. Plus a light scalp will contrast hard against dark hair and the camera exposure on a phone will pick this up more.

However, you know your hair better than anyone and if you believe it has changed see a dermatologist.
I just looked at the pics from when 22.. it’s a lot more thinned out now .

Its almost definitely thinning but there are treatments out there that may halt if you so wish .


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Thx for answers.

For me is very difficult compare photos from age 22 and now, simply because now i have much better camera and these new pictures are made againts light.

I wanted to know someone else's opinion first before I started working on it. But I can see, that opionions here are different, so i am little bit confused :D.

Maybe I will try find another older pictures for comparison or make some new for better view :)

royce gracie

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Your case looks so ambiguous that I would go to a hair loss clinic or dermatologist to get your follicles analyzed. If they can't find any miniaturization then you might be fine, that's just a really weird cowlick. Personally I can't tell from these photos.