Balding person, seeks hot babe. Must be a fan of EA Sports and Harry Potter.


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I'm 23 years old (24 next week), and began *really* losing hair around a year ago. Prior to that my hair had been thinning slowly for a year or two.

Anyway. My first product was Regaine which I purchased when I was 21. It really did help a lot, and my hair responded really well to it. Due to finances, I was unable to continue using it after 6 months. A year or so later, with quite a lot of hair loss, I decided to start with Propecia. That was 7 months ago, and I've not seen amazing results if I'm honest. I've started to notice some small hairs re-appearing on my temples, but generally I've not been too impressed. HOWEVER, I did purposefully lose a lot of weight during these 7 months, with some ridiculous very low carb diets, and my hair definitely suffered as a result. I've started eating big again, and I've noticed my hair beginning to get thicker and nicer looking. I've decided to post some pictures, all post-shower, to document my progress having restarted Minoxidil today.

Here's a timeline of my decline.

2010 - July - Started seeing minimal hair loss. Wasn't too concerned back then.
2011 - June - Hair loss began to get to me psychologically, and went on Minoxidil - good results, hair thickened
2011 - December - Stopped Regaine due to finances
2012 - Hair continued to fall during this time around the temple. Later in the year hair began to drop on top
2013 - April/May - Started propecia. Hair loss/quality demise continued, mainly due to poor diet (very low carb/low cal) andpoor sleep (work).
2013 - October - Back on good diet, hair quality improving and slight thickening. This trend has continued, with some hair regrowth on temples
2013 - November - Restarted Minoxidil, introduced Nizoral (1%), Biotin, and continue w/Propecia.

1. To thicken the thinning parts at the temple. The bits where there's still a bit of hair, but not loads.
2. To thicken the top up.

I'm under no illusions. I know I'm never going to have a thick head of hair again, but I'd like to maintain a thick(er) hair style for a few more years yet.

Here's a picture I took 3 days ago. Was surprised at how bad the top was. When dry it really does look a lot thicker.

hair 161113.jpg


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You have a hairloss/age really similar to mine. Stick to the big three if it's ok to you and you should be able to experience growth and keep for a long time!

You stopped rogaine for finances problems? If you order the kirkland minoxidil (which is the same as rogaine) it costs about 5$ a month with a pack of 6 in the usa.


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I've just got that Caboki (spelling?) and it really is very good. However, I'm an aspiring Olympic athlete and during my training I've noticed that when I've wiped sweat out of my eyes there's been some black stuff running down my head! I'm worried it will all come out when my hair is wet from sweat/rain. It however is brilliant when you can guarantee you wont be getting soaked.

I no longer have any financial problems. Back then I was a student who was saving up for a trek through The Amazon. Now I'm working full-time and can afford the stuff. I am on Kirkland, mind.

My main concern is the front. I have a massive forehead (haha) and would prefer not to extend it further.


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Yeah, sweating/water can make it difficult to successfully use a concealer product. Can you post pictures with and without Caboki? I'm sure a lot of users would be interested to see the difference it makes and how realistic it looks.


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I tried getting some pictures with/without Caboki, but I couldn't get the lighting right. It does look much thicker, and the texture of the hair is nicer in my opinion with it on. It doesn't work amazingly at the front, but that's to be expected.

Regarding how everything is going, I will post pictures at the beginning of next month (that's going to be the time of the month, each month, that I post pictures from now on). However, I do feel I'm starting to see some improvement. Nothing radical, but a few new hairs sprouting up on my temple. The hair seems darker and better quality all over too. I'm learning how to style it much better to not cover up the bald spots, but to make everything else look thicker.

Overall, I'm a bit happier with my hair, but still very conscious and embarrassed of it.


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So it's the first of the month, and here's a picture. Definitely some hairs coming up at the front, and the back is beginning to thicken a bit. Been on minoxidil now for just under 2 weeks, and it sounds odd, but I already feel it's improving things.


Note - Not sure why it keeps loading them on it's side, but oh well. (apologies for the sore neck)