Baldness and losing the frame of your face


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I'd like to point out the relationship between face frame and going/being bald.

I personally think its a huge reason why hair is so central to our looks, in an atheistic way, it frames our face. Without any hair, there is nothing to define us. There is nothing that makes us unique, just another bald face.

I think thats what gets me more than anything else. Its not the fact that I might become more ugly or become less attractive, its that with male pattern baldness you lose your own special look, that is different to every other person, ugly or handsome, hair helps to create a certain persona for yourself and for others to create a persona about you.

Without the hair, there is no frame. Its like being in a plain white room, blank of anything that makes that room unique. That room could be any room in the world. And that's what shits me up about going bald. I lose my own special look. I know that unless some scientific breakthrough happens I'll just become a generic face among bald men..

And to finish I hate to say it but I hate what I'm going to become. I hate looking at all the bald men I pass on the street knowing that one day that will be me. Ever since I have been going bald I started to take more of a look at bald men, taking into account how some looked ok, taking into account the head shape and age and so on.. I would say that out of perhaps about 5 bald guys I pass, I'd say maybe like 1 or 2 look ok, the rest just don't rock it..

I also think the caucasain male is dealt the worst cards when it comes to baldness.. We just look the worst. Period.. I would say a lot of asian guys/black guys etc actually look fine bald, but the white male just in most cases looks sit.. and hell thats we are all here isn't it?


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this is true .. you lose the framing of your face and you do lose your 'unique' look ..

but as you said .. it's not a straightforward black and white thing .. different factors are taken into account .. head shape, skin tone up there, facial features etc ..

someone may lose the frame but still have strong facial features, good scalp skin tone, good head shape and they can pull it off .. and then of course your mental state .. how you perceive yourself .. just all depends

at the end of the day .. some bald guys(who shave I mean) don't even 'look bald' if you get me .. those are the really lucky baldies

uncomfortable man

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I understand about the frame aspect as I've talked about it before. Balding changes the proportions of your face. That is why the same person with and without hair look so different from each other to the point where they are irrecognizable. Balding also strays from the golden mean, which is thought to be the proportions of beauty or something. But I don't think any of that implies that all bald guys look the same, or loose their individuality of which I wholeheartedly disagree. Your post gave me an insight into the psychology of someone with an inherent hatred for bald people. But I have to agree that us white males have it worse when it comes to aesthetics. It is quite a thing to be bald.


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Yup, all the baldies look the same. But if you have balls, you grow a beard, a skullet or an ultimate NW0 comb-over.


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saying all bald men look the same is absurd




yea they could all be brothers :jackit:


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Damn you Cornell and your perfect hairline! He IS no.1 vocalist :punk:

(could you imagine him with nw4-5 tho ?!..... :( )

uncomfortable man

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Dear god, what kind of a kick is IBM on?


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Well if its any consolation I completely jacked up my face snowboarding this weekend. I faceplanted on to the ice after coming off a rail and got a nice concussion, chipped 3 teeth, lacerated my lips and forehead and severely broke my nose. My face right now is a swollen bloody mess, i'm pretty sure the last thing people notice when they look at me is my hairloss.

I have to have reconstructive surgery done next thursday. Although this f*****g sucks right now I would still do it again. Hairloss or no hairloss I refuse to slow my life down. When my face is as fucked up as it is now "losing the frame" loses all meaning. Hopefully my nose will end up straighter than it was before and my teeth will look better too once the caps are put on. Thank god for insurance right?

uncomfortable man

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Sorry to hear about that Townsend, but your right by saying what good is a frame, when the painting is all fucked up. And to Fanjeera, sorry for giving you grief earlier. I saw some recent flicks of you with long hair and I could see your severe temple recession. Normally I wouldn't give a f*** about that degree of hair loss considering I am nw6, but I took your age into account.


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Oh, and in addition to the beard that becomes extra visible for the bald, there are the eyebrows! People will start to notice their character a lot more, so we should be taking care of these things, if we want to see the positive in hairloss.

uncomfortable man

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Just bought a frame from the mall today. It fits my face pretty good. I am going to nail it to my forehead and live a life of perfect symmetry.