Baldness Epidemic - A Hypothetical Situation


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Balding is something I'll never desire even for enemy.

That Guy

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No, this is one step below Alzheimer's in "things I wouldn't beshrew my worst enemies with".

I saw a picture of some probably 10 year old kid at a concert and I was mad jealous of his righteous haircut. I was envious of a ten year old.

Hairloss blows.


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We are martyrs not terrorists.


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No, this is one step below Alzheimer's in "things I wouldn't beshrew my worst enemies with".

I saw a picture of some probably 10 year old kid at a concert and I was mad jealous of his righteous haircut. I was envious of a ten year old.

Hairloss blows.

I see 50 years old fullheads everyday. With "righteous haircut".

That's a problem.


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I see 50 years old fullheads everyday. With "righteous haircut".

That's a problem.
Yeah, hahahaha Those smug 50 year old full heads really piss me off. Especially when they brush their hands through their thick locks and smile.


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@macaronaroni your hypothesis is a bit extreme. Men and WOMEN all lose hair in 1-2 weeks? Who would ever want that? Bald women?
I once I saw a movie about an island were some people start growing a tail for some sort of regression to the ape state.
At the beginning these people are treated like pariahs. They are outcasts and scorned. However, with time, everyone grows a tail. In a short time, guess who are the ones who are frowned upon?
Those who still don't have a tail.


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Just curious - if you had the power to unleash a plague on the globe that would cause all humans (male and female) to lose their hair in 1-2 weeks time would you do it?

The only plague I'd release is one that would cause all bald men sprout instant NW0's.

Maybe even tweak it to make them develop flawless facial aesthetics to make up for the years of hell they've been through too.


My Regimen
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No, this is one step below Alzheimer's in "things I wouldn't beshrew my worst enemies with".

I saw a picture of some probably 10 year old kid at a concert and I was mad jealous of his righteous haircut. I was envious of a ten year old.

Hairloss blows.
thats not necessarily that bad to envy a kid

i envy their childhood innocence. something baldness definitely is the opposite of


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The answer is a bit too easy so plot twist: you keep whatever state your hair is currently in, but everyone else loses theirs.

You go from having BDD and thinning/receding/nearly bald to having the best hair on earth, even if it's shaved stubble, and you become famous and capitalise with your lifestyle turn-around autobiography "Do-Rags to Riches: An NW4 Success Story".


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thats not necessarily that bad to envy a kid

i envy their childhood innocence. something baldness definitely is the opposite of

I often pine for the youthful innocence, hope, and optimism that I once had. Even when times were tough, I knew that there was hope and that things could get better.


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Just curious - if you had the power to unleash a plague on the globe that would cause all humans (male and female) to lose their hair in 1-2 weeks time would you do it?

I would.
It would finally make it acceptable for men to wear wigs. It would bring the status of hair down to that of external clothes. Like hats or suits.


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Initial reaction was: "hell no", but I'm starting to have second thoughts...

Since EVERYBODY is losing his/her hair at the same time, nobody would be ridiculed/laughed at. Everybody would be too busy looking at their own mirror. People would most likely be more concerned about "what is actually happening here" rather than thinking "what is happening TO ME".

Scientists all over the world would frantically start looking for cures. With the way technology/research has been expanding lately, it seems rather unlikely they wouldn't find one. If they do, you essentially improved the life quality of millions of people.

And honestly, if they don't, I think within a year everyone would be completely used to it. At the very worst, it would take until the next generation. I can imagine a baby in 2116 watching an old movie and saying "mommy why does that man have grass on his head?"

I think the most important factor is that hair serves no real purpose, other than aesthetics. We're not hurting humanity as a species, if anything, we improve it. It brings a lot of people on an equal playing field, forcing people to find other ways to thrive over other ones, rather than just winning the genetic lottery.

Probably going to get bashed to hell for this opinion, but I think you all look at it too much from an "I'm hurting others just to make myself look better", without looking at the possible bigger picture. Or maybe I'm finding an excuse to justify a selfish decision, I don't know. I just don't buy that people would still be miserable years after things died down. We're stronger than that.


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Just curious - if you had the power to unleash a plague on the globe that would cause all humans (male and female) to lose their hair in 1-2 weeks time would you do it?


Some babies are always looking for little sneaky, innovative ways to level the playing field. :rolleyes:


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Hell, I'd be happy if we could punch random fullheads in the face without getting charged with assault.

Wouldn't it be great if you could, say, pop the dude in the men's room who spends way too much time combing his NW0 and admiring it in the mirror?

Then look at him on the floor and say "Sorry" ... just like Mr. Blutarsky...


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Hell, I'd be happy if we could punch random fullheads in the face without getting charged with assault.

Wouldn't it be great if you could, say, pop the dude in the men's room who spends way too much time combing his NW0 and admiring it in the mirror?

Then look at him on the floor and say "Sorry" ... just like Mr. Blutarsky...

So much unfettered rage Jimbo -, it's really starting to grow on me. :D