Baldness in the Bible


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Everything the OT has to say about anything is pretty messed up.

Most historians agree Jesus would have actually had short hair, perhaps he was even bald. Could a bald guy have stirred up such a racket? Why not? If it can happen to Stevie Ray Vaughn it can happen to anyone.


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that link dont work but bible mentions many times that baldness is curse. god curses many with baldness. it is considered a awful punishment:
Isaiah 3:24
§ And it shall come to pass, that instead of sweet smell there shall be stink; and instead of a girdle a rent; and instead of well set hair baldness; and instead of a stomacher a girding of sackcloth; and burning instead of beauty.
I suggest you open your bible and read the whole verse. it talks about god giving punishment to people with baldness.


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any explanation then as to why the monks have a tonsure (shave part of their head)?

or buddhists are totally head shaved?

perhaps all those on this site bothered by hairloss should join a monastic order..we'll be in good company...we've got the hairdo already.

now where's that gideon bible?


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The baldness isn't the curse, the sorrow is. When people would go through trials they would shave their head, and dress in sackloth and cover their head with ashes and fast as they would petition God. So when he says they would be burdened with a bald head or sackcloth and ashes it means that they will be stricken with grief.

The monks Shave their head because it represents cutting off all ties with the past.


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By their sheer nature, fairytales have always made far fetched claims with regularity.