Baldy Job Interviews. Try To Be Funny??


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Another potential nuclear landmine. Specifically what personality do you use in a big job interview.?

I've always tried to make light of the follical sandtrap with a humble whimsical approach after the serious part.

Act a tiny bit like I'm a fun jokester who isn't that bothered with hairloss

I suppose it came off as desperate


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Hint: if you are attempting to be naturally hilarious and extroverted, but afterwards have to evaluate how you did socially, its a dead certainty you did badly.


Hahahaha, brilliant analysis..

@Dsport you are a smart guy and I'm pretty positive that your natural personality is quite attractive.

Don't try to be anything.
It's like skiing. If you start to question what your body is doing automatically, you will loose the flow.


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Learned my lesson.

I'm pretty sedate and introverted in person.

I mistakenly drank two red bulls before and tried to project funny

Hahahaha, brilliant analysis..

@Dsport you are a smart guy and I'm pretty positive that your natural personality is quite attractive.

Don't try to be anything.
It's like skiing. If you start to question what your body is doing automatically, you will loose the flow.


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Learned my lesson.

I'm pretty sedate and introverted in person.

I mistakenly drank two red bulls before and tried to project funny

lol, good on you for trying! how did it go? i hope you didn't come across as a maniac.


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Learned my lesson.

I'm pretty sedate and introverted in person.

I mistakenly drank two red bulls before and tried to project funny
I wonder what would have happened if you drank two "blue" bulls instead?:rolleyes:


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Learned my lesson.

I'm pretty sedate and introverted in person.

I mistakenly drank two red bulls before and tried to project funny

Hahaha I do love the honesty because it is a bit embarrassing to put yourself out there so desperately, but as someone else said, at least you tried and it's understandable.

I think we can fake a lot of things with practice and most of the time we're actually rewarded with this even if found out. Example, selling yourself by appearing knowledgeable on something when you are not, is probably more impressive than being knowledgeable on something but not expressing yourself competently.

But people's bullshit detector goes off instantly with being extroverted and forced humour. I used to regularly do interviews and sometimes still do, and you can tell these types of guys just by seeing them sit in the lobby, interacting with reception and anyone who walks by. It doesn't make you instantly dismiss them but you know you'll have a job trying to calm them down and get genuine answers from them.

I'd say if you are naturally funny then don't be afraid to use it when there's an opportunity, if that doesn't come, then don't try. They are never marking you on the potential of being "Office Fun Guy Dsport".

OR if you get a 2nd interview it means they actually liked it. This time go in with your tie around your forehead, and throw some vodka in those red bulls and party down.


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its a job interview not a social event

You tell them what they want to hear, and if its a some female HR hack you always pay them some light compliments about their dumb shirt or whatever.


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its a job interview not a social event

You tell them what they want to hear, and if its a some female HR hack you always pay them some light compliments about their dumb shirt or whatever.

If you're a Chad then "that shirt shows off your suckable nipples"


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I sometimes got some weird feedback that is apparently way too common: the interviewers were basically disappointed that I didn't bullshitted them more.

Christ, and this is very common indeed. I've seen people give excellent interviews where they seemed competent, reasonable and honest, even when it came to the "bad qualities?" sections of interviews.

What my colleague would think? "Hmm he didn't put on much of a show" in other words exactly what you're saying, he didn't try and fool us. It's like (especially in sales and advertising) employers doubt a person's intelligence if they aren't "smart" enough to bullshit you. In lower starting out positions there's at least some logic to that (though I still disagree) but they apply the same thing to people applying for managerial positions who are effectively interviewing us at the same time, to make sure the job is right for them.



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He also encouraged me to fake it during interviews. I always thought that it made no sense, I'm not a salesman, how is my ability to sell myself even relevant to the job?

Unfortunately to get ahead in the world, he's probably right. It depends on your circumstances, if you don't have a plethora of options, and you aren't choosing the job but have already chosen it if they accept you (we've all been there), then butter them up, because unfortunately that's what matters 90% of the time.

It's a shitty world filled with simple minded 2 dimensional people. I would bet my life that the vast majority of office promotions are based on "inter personal working relationships" eg how much of a lick *** you are, not how competent you are. That's not to say that people who are mainly genuine don't get a chance to move up either, but to an extent they have to submit to the idea they will have to play the game.

And as for the lick asses? Well they're untouchable, they'll never be on trial once someone higher up has decided so.

Personally I'd feel sick with myself simply surrounding me with those who appease me, and I don't think this makes me morally superior to anyone, it's just that this is how most people should f*****g be!

Oh well.


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""" Thanks for interviewing me.

I just love the tattoo of Rachel maddow on your ankle.

It gives me a hard on thinking about the two of you muff diving""""

its a job interview not a social event

You tell them what they want to hear, and if its a some female HR hack you always pay them some light compliments about their dumb shirt or whatever.


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The tats, makeup, fat, single mom part gives it away.
Meh, doesn't mean sh*t.
All you fools make so many baseless, knee jerk, assumptions based on a person's appearance alone. Appearance only! Which, once again... is kind of ironic.

Think more about how intellectually vapid this approach is. It deserves some thought.