Beard BHT question:


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OK, I asked this question before, and go a reply from one person who had beard BHT done. He said he had it on his chest and his beard, and could not tell on his beard, but that the chest was noticeable if he looked close and knew what to look for.

My question is, was the beard just hidden because he could not look at it directly, or was it hidden even in a close up mirror or when someone else looked? Just saying the neck is a high visibility area to a woman who is shorter than me.

Beard hair is course enough though that you get more coverage for the money. Probably 2-3x the coverage per transplant. Also I don't having hair on my front of neck anyway. Shaving is a pain. I was going to get electrolysis, but it takes 12x her hair, which I calculated out at 6 seconds per hair, and $60 per hour, is $2 per hair to get it gone. BHT is $3.50 per hair, or $5 depending where you go. Then electrolysis takes so many hours in the chair for months when BHT gets it all at once.

So any more light that can be shed on visibility of scars would be nice. Just how close did you look?


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I have been asking the question for a while, but it is always the same couple of guys who answer. I guess not so many did it that's all.

There is however, ne way to find out. Go and see someone like epstein and tell him you need a test area before you go for a substantially larger area. The thing about hair transplant is that the fixed cost is not that high so i am sure the yd be willing to give you a test to try out and see results for yourself... if he's confident enough that is, and he seems so.


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well if its not done right you will end up looking like a scarred smal pox monster so i gues some people are a bit scared of taking that jump.
+ it looks scared and red a long time before it heals completely so ...


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97 much donor do you have left after your previous transplants?

If you cannot have another strip....why not go for FUE since all of your other surgeries were strips?

I hope you are not planning on adding beard or body hair to add to your hairline....I think it would be very obvious. I have a VERY heavy beard and my beard hair is DEFINITELY much different in terms of thickness and coarseness to the hair on my head.

From the limited info I have read online, I got the impression that beard/body hair is used as a last resort and mainly to add density. I also heard the yield for beard/body hair is not very high at all.


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Yes, that is exactly what I plan to do.

My beard hair has a 2/3 inch curl to it, so I'll use it on my sides and have it curl down and back. At 1/2 inch long, it won't be too noticeable. I'll also use it in my scar in back. It is so thick it will give cheap density. I want to get rid of my neck hair anyway, so for twice the price of electrolysis I can get it moved all at once.

My calf hair is just over 1 inch long, and pretty straight, same curl as my scalp hair, just half the thickness. I'll put it in my hairline, and in between hairs just behind it. It will look like fur almost, but I keep my hair short all the time anyway.

My hair transplant looks odd, but it frames my face good. I think this will be an improvement. I got maybe 8,000 useable calf hairs, and 1000 useable neck beard hairs. All the same color as my scalp. I won't look close to as good as a true NW1. No sexy thick hair. But if I can frame my face right, and have a smooth transition in density, I'll still look a lot better.

A good hair piece would save a ton of money and look better, but I'd always have to worry about it.


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I need to do like 100 cm2 at an average of 40 per cm2 or so.
Hard to say.

1000 air fair to dr poswell, and $3.50 per graft in two 3000 sessions or something like that. I'm looking at about $23,000 I got to save up. That or I'll go with Dr Umar.
That will still leave me leg donor to go in between hairs on top.

Do you guys think this is a waste of $23,000? (got to make the money first)

Good wigs would cost me $1000 per year. So the interest on the $23,000 could pay for wigs for life, and get me hair sooner.
But the beard BHT saves me money on $2000 electrolysis, and the leg BHT saves me $2000 on laser. And both get it done fast. So not all a loss.


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Buy a house CCS that'll get you more pussay than rearranging your bodyhair.


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The vast majority of men have body hair.
Why do you want to turn yours into some weird pattern?

Face it, CCS. The more surgeries you have the more freakish and Jackson-like you'll end up looking.


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Honestly CCS....from the pics I have seen from your hair, it looks fine. Any ordinary person wouldn't notice it. I believe you had your last 2 surgeries at a reputable clinic also, so I'm sure you had some decent work done.

Do you mind posting some pics of your hair?


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abovedagame said:
Do you mind posting some pics of your hair?

It looks different in different lightings and exposure levels. I can look very bald, or like I got lots of hair, just depending on the flash and camera and if there is light above my head. In a dim room with light coming from the front, you'd say I'm not even bald, just a very mature hairline. With light from the top, or outside, you see my scalp on top much easier than the hair. Why post pics when it varies so much.

And SAF, yes, lots of women will have sex in hopes of being your ex wife. Sleep with them, but don't marry them. But if that is their goal, watch out, because they will be very upset when you don't give them the house/marry them. Might get a psycho going after you.

I'm planning to become a truck driver and save lots of money. I know. No women that way. But in a year I'd save so much I could easily get HM when it comes out.

I'm not sure if BHT would give me enough hair. I also doubt it would go the right direction. And I don't know how noticable the scars will be. But the price would be as high as HM. So I think I'll save my money and decide later.


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As for beard hair, they take them from under the jaw so it is less noticeable. I'd definitely want Umar or Poswell if I go that route.