Beard hair


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Has anyone had laser hair removal on facial hair, if so, did the hair grow back finer, or was it eliminated after the first treatment?
Could this be an option for softening the hair before utilizing it for an hair transplant.


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I know a business associate that had it done because of in-grown hairs
problems. It took many sessions and his beard never really went totally away
and he still has to shave just not as often. He said he had very little change
until after the third session. They told him it would take at least five
treatments and he stopped going at seven. The hair that is left looks
thick to me from a normal conversational distance.

He also said it hurt like hell at first to the point he was tearing up (and this is
a tough ex-marine guy) but then each additional treatment it got better. I
get a lot of in-grown hairs on my neck and I'd like to get it lasered but I'm not
sure it's worth the cost or the pain.


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You should have tittled this "laser hair removal" and I would have filled you in on more info.

Yeah, it is more of a hair reduction than removal. Men with corse hair may need 15+ treatments, and it can hurt really bad at times, or not hurt much at other times. But it does make it grow back slower and finer, and much easier to shave. I used to shave my chest and get the razor clogged up 1/4 the way through, and feel scratchy and get ingrowns. Now I can whip the razor over all areas really fast without needing to rinse once, and I stay smooth for weeks, and it grows back baby fine. I'm still trying to get rid of all of it. I'd say the number of follicles has decreased too.

It is a commitment though. You probably will need 3 sessions to see a reduction, unless you have fine hair, in which case it can be done faster. Lucky for me my calf hair does not look like it got reduced much after 3 sessions. I probably lost 25% of the caliper and length, but still good enough for BHT. My calves used to have really good donor characteristics.


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what I never understood is the following:

How can you use your beard hair for hair transplant ? Unplugging hair follicle would leave marks everywhere on your beard area no ? Even if tiny when they are many I guess they will be noticeable.
Otherwise people would not go for laser procedure they would just go to a doctor to have their follicles unplugged (especially for tiny areas on the face).


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There are documented cases where beard hair has been utilized, the hair was extracted from under the chin and neck and healing seemed to be fine leaving no marks, however you would have to see it in person to be convinced.

I suppose beard and body hair for that matter, is something that is utilized as a last resort for patients with limited scalp donor (unfortunately I’m one of those).


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CCS, thanks for the insight.

Doesn’t seem like a good idea to laser before beard hair transplant, you wouldn’t want to kill or reduce the integrity of the follicles.


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waynakyo said:
what I never understood is the following:

How can you use your beard hair for hair transplant ? Unplugging hair follicle would leave marks everywhere on your beard area no ? Even if tiny when they are many I guess they will be noticeable.
Otherwise people would not go for laser procedure they would just go to a doctor to have their follicles unplugged (especially for tiny areas on the face).

Removing body hair surgically is much more expensive than lasering it with 15 sessions. You can do 12+ sessions of your whole body for under $10,000. FUE is $5 per hair in the US, and $3.50 in other countries. You probably have at least 50,000 body hairs. Under your beard you probably have 2,000. You can get it lasered 12 times for under $1,500, vs $10,000 surgically. You can pay for electrolis much cheaper than surgery, but still costs more than laser.

Yes, there is a risk of scars being noticed, but some people get better results than others, some no scars. I'm getting my calves since I doubt anyone will ever be close enough to them to notice. Every other body area yes, but not the calves.


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waynakyo said:
what I never understood is the following:

How can you use your beard hair for hair transplant ? Unplugging hair follicle would leave marks everywhere on your beard area no ? Even if tiny when they are many I guess they will be noticeable.
Otherwise people would not go for laser procedure they would just go to a doctor to have their follicles unplugged (especially for tiny areas on the face).

I was in the same boat as you. Having a dark skin, any sort of scarring was a big issue for me. But, theres no scars. No white marks. Nothing on my beard. I have since gone for another transplant using beard and head hair. Of course, you need to choose your doctor wisely.